Advice Needed from Maryland Members



Application for a permit to carry a handgun is made to the Secretary of State Police. The applicant should submit a notarized letter stating the reasons why he is applying for a
permit, in addition to the printed application form. The permit may be issued if the Secretary finds that the applicant:

1. Is 18 years of age or older.

2. Has not been convicted of a felony, or of a crime punishable by imprisonment for more than one year.

3. Has not been committed within the previous 10 years to any juvenile detention center for longer than one year.

4. Is not an addict or alcoholic, nor has ever been convicted of a narcotics offense.

5. Has not, based on the results of investigation, exhibited a propensity for violence or instability.

6. Has, based on the results of investigation, "good and substantial reason" to carry a handgun, including a finding that the permit is "necessary as a reasonable precaution against
apprehended danger."5

The Secretary may in his discretion add restrictions to the permit limiting the location, circumstances or time at which the handgun may be carried.

The Secretary may charge a $70.00 nonrefundable fee payable upon application. The renewal fee is $50.00. There is also a $5.00 fingerprint fee.

The permit is valid for two years after its issuance and expires on the last day of the holder's birth month. Subsequent renewals are valid for periods of three years each.
Applications for renewal should be submitted 90 days prior to expiration.

A permit holder must carry his permit whenever he "carries, wears or transports a handgun." The permit authorizes the holder to carry any handgun which he may legally own or

It is unlawful for a permit holder to carry a handgun while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

An applicant may appeal rejection to the Handgun Permit Review Board within ten days after receipt of a written notice of the Secretary's action .
Rich- Although I live in VA and have a VA CCW, I also have some land in southern MD and am planning on building down there at some point, soI've been trying to figure this out myself.

The info in the previous post is acurate, though from what I understand, it's pretty arbitrary, simple self-defense isn't sufficient, you need to be a jewler or someone who transports large sums of $$ or other valuables, in a high risk profession, or have someone after you.

This is hearsay, but from what I understand, if you have contacts with local a LEA in MD, a letter from the principal there who can vouch for your character goes a long way towards getting a CCW permit. The counties around DC (Montgomery, Prince Georges) and Baltimore are pretty liberal and anti-gun compared to southerm and wersterm MD, which are more rural and rational.
This state is really a crappy place. For your cww you better have bank receipts or show a cop a bomb in your car ready to go off. Self defense reasons in general wont cut it in the Peoples Republic. Like I stated above you better have plenty of bank receipts or actually proof your life has been threatened. And Maryland still calls itself the Free State?
Sell the property in S. Md. This state sucks big time as soon as my law suits are finished I'm outa here. The only difference between the Soviet Union and MD is that the USSR finally overthrew communisum.(sp) Oops brain fade see what happens when I start on this state. The name should be changed from Maryland State to Mental State.IMHO. Oh course if your hell bent on living in the land of the free and you want a CCW do you have a good looking wife or daughter no no no forget that. Unless your politically connected forget it. I have a friend who has a gun store the MSP wanted to deny him a CCW. Rough really rough.

"Solidarity is the Key"