advice for first f class open shooter?


New member
Signed up for my first 600 yard match for next Saturday.
Was hoping for more time to get ready, but well...
Match is at Reade Range in central PA.
Yesterday and today temps in the 80's. By tomorrow evening saying 40's.
So, sunscreen, tee shirt, shorts, long johns, parka and mittens.. Lol

Just got done loading 140 rounds of 7mm-08AI.
40 for practice at a 300 yard range during the week.

Anything i should check off of the list of periferials would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!
1) Have fun.
2) Don’t focus on the scores.
And most important....
3) Make sure your round does not go over the berm.
Already have come up in my Strelok.

For me just shooting is fun.
I don't care if i come in dead last score wise.
Looking at it as a learning experience.
The guys at Reade are gentlemen. Anything you forgot they will likely have a spare or be willing and able to help you in some way. Ask about any special range rules.
I've actually lent a rifle at a service rifle match. I did it to prove to a beginner he was wrong to think the fact his stock rifle could outshoot him from a bench rest meant it was pointless to have something better. He set a new personal best by 10 points with my rifle. But that was a match Garand that shot about 1 moa at the time and not a 1/4 moa gun, so maybe the example doesn't count. Also, he was a junior, and we have, in my opinion, and obligation to do what we can to encourage them.

At 600, the wind is more of a factor than at three hundred. Anything you can do to prepare for that is valuable. If you're not a veteran wind reader, reading books on how to do it—by Saturday—could help.
Have been reading ( Accurateshooter).
Art of the Rifle, and the Tube.

I have no illussions of being a Grand Master with a factory hunting rifle. I'm looking at good comraderie, and the chance to learn.
Always makes for a good day.

Winds calling for 3-5 mph, 29 degrees f at first shots.