Advance Self Defense

I haven't taken an Advance Self Defense class since 1970's except for the one I took for my "to carry permit". How many of you have done so and what did you get from it?

I know there are different classes for this. So, what do you recommend taking and why?

I'd greatly appreciate all answers and thoughts on this. I feel that this is a very important course.

The world has changed a bit since the 1970s.
It's definitely worth while to take a modern class on shooting, especially for something as important as surviving a deadly encounter.
But most trainers will probably start with a basic class and want you to work up to what ever is called the advanced level.
If you're even only half serious about it, it will take more than one class or even one trainer.
So, might as well start with the basics at a local place..
Even a basic type class will probably be ahead of what was taught in the '70s.
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I've taken a slew of classes. In the Tenn. area - can't beat Tom Givens at

One needs, IMHO:

1. The basics on gun use.
2. A more advanced marksmanship class
3. A class that covers legal aspects (like Ayoob's)
4. Tactics classes that include FOF

One has to look out for local tactical timmies that go more for the fun commando, shoot'em ups.

One can add more stuff like realistic H2H (Southnarc types), first aid for critical incidents (not how to treat poison ivy).
I recommend going to a Bandito's club on a Yamaha and tell them how weak and feeble their words are.

You will get some real advanced training there.

If you don't have the time for that, well then, yea, Given's has a pretty good class. Or Farnam.

Big time second on Tom Givens. A bit of old school in that he ain't gonna coddle you - more like push you to do your best like a tough football coach or drill sergeant. You will get your money's worth, and then some.
I'd say not just a shooting/defensive firearms class,
but also a Martial Arts class as well.
Doesn't really matter WHICH art, either. Whatever's available.
Even Tai Chi, practiced regularly is far better than no training at all.

The base reality of self defense is that not all actions may involve a gun.
Sometimes they involve fighting to get to your gun...
or getting clearance so that you can draw & fire effectively...
Older folks choose to carry a gun to avoid even getting into a physical confrontation.
Even practicing martial arts can be very disagreeable past a certain age.
Best to find a trainer who understands the risks of aggravating and maybe damaging old joints.
Some of the young trainers at our gym have no clue about how old folks should exercise.
Listening to them just about guarantees a trip to the doctor.
There are classes that teach physical self-defense rather than stylistic martial arts. Not that the latter aren't fun or good for fitness.

The former do take into account the age and fitness of participants. This does not mean they are easy.

Two well known ones are Insights in the Washington state area (they travel) and Southnarc's ECQC.
I just signed up for "Defence Lab". Kind of street fight style. My 15 year old ended up joining me. For the record this is first time I've signed up for any kind of martial arts. So far I'm loving it , real good work out and they start kicking your ass from day one.