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Ads linked to random words?


New member
What's up with the ads?

Is this the new TFL cash cow? Don't get me wrong, I'm all about people making money in whatever way they legally and ethically can. I'm just curious about the new ads that keep popping up when I scroll my mouse icon over certain words....
Nope, it's not us. 10 to 1 you have a virus or visited a site that installed a keyword ad application. You need to run a good virus/spyware check on your entire system.
Mike! If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times - stop ripping off the members!

Ok, seriously, jgcoastie, what did you run to clean it up? It would be good info to have on hand because this happens several times a year to someone here.
"stop ripping off the members!"

Hey, if they're not there to be used and abused... Why are they there? :D

That's the first I've ever heard of someone here getting hit with one of these things. God they're annoying, too. Most are fairly easy to eradicate, but there are a couple that will really burrow down into the computer.
I would like to know what cleans it out. I run into this on a lot of websites. Some ad comes up and blocks out what I’m trying to see.

The only time I get that to happen here is when I scroll across the words Mike Irwin and it gives me a phone number to call about a used 1995 Cadillac Seville with a good tire.
Sorry, I didn't check back in after I posted it was gone...

I ran my McAfee internet security, anti-virus, and anti-spyware software scan. Then I did a manual update of my Windows Defender (auto-update doesn't always work, not sure why) and had it run a full scan as well. Both McAfee and Defender picked up a couple hits. After a computer re-start and a couple more updates to McAfee, Defender, and Firefox (the web browser I use), the links went away...