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    In order to protect our members and TFL from possible litigation, all members must abide by the following new rules:

    1. Copying and pasting entire articles from another site to TFL is strictly prohibited. The same applies to articles from print or other media, and to posting photographs taken of copyrighted pages or other media.

    2. Copyright law provides for “fair use” of portions of a copyrighted work. You can copy no more than a SINGLE paragraph from the article to your post (3 or 4 sentences at most).

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    4. You must provide, in your own words, a brief summary of the article AND your reasons for believing it will be of interest to TFL members. Failure to do so may result in the thread being closed or your post being deleted as a “cut and paste drive by.”

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    Posts that do not follow these new guidelines will be altered or deleted by staff. Members who continue to violate this policy may lose their posting privileges at TFL.

    Thank you for your cooperation and your participation in TFL, the leading online forum for firearms enthusiasts.

"Administrators" and "Moderators" on TFL


What's the difference between between "Administrators" and "Moderators" on TFL (it seems to me that some moderators administer while some administrators moderate)?
While some admistrators do so within moderation there are administrators that do it moderately. All of this is, of course, moderately administrative.

The differences are very similar to those you find in business or in the military. Moderators (managers/sergeants) tend to be more intelligent, better looking and more evenly tempered than administrators (vice presidents/officers). However unlike the other two endeavors, administrators and moderators do get paid the same amount here which is only fair, I feel.

Moderators have the ability to edit, move or delete posts within their specified forums.

Administrators can do all of the above in any forum, track down miscreants and bring them to justice, delete members... In short, in terms of power (and responsibilities), they're Olympians compared to the mortal moderators. However, as Olympians, they don't get extra libations, sacrifices or even have temples built in their honor.
Are the Moderators captives of the Administrators? I have heard that occasionally they perform the Administrators' bidding under duress. And, of course, the terrible cruelty of the Administrators is common knowledge. One registered member told me he has observed Moderators endure torture at the hands of the Administrators.

I think the Moderators need some assistance here. Who will join me in liberating the Mods from the cruel overseer Admins? Who will help save these poor creatures from this terrible fate?

I call on all registered members to aid in this cause ... the release of the Moderators from the chains of oppression set by the Administrators. This is unbearable! UNACCEPTABLE!! WE CANNOT ALLOW THIS TO CONTINUE!!! Huff! ... Huff! ... What the hell?! More meds, quick!!

[This message has been edited by sensop (edited June 27, 2000).]

You should lock this thread now. It has all the signs of one that will quickly degenerate (which certainly reminds me of our moderators and administrators) :).


[This message has been edited by RWK (edited June 27, 2000).]
OK, I'll make this as clear as possible...

All administrators administrate.
All moderators moderate.
Some administrators moderate some of the time.
All moderators moderate all of the time.
No moderators ever administrate.
No administrators ever degenerate.
All moderators are degenerate.
Some senior members are moderate.
Some moderators need to be more moderate.
Usually moderate moderators can be degenerate to administrators. (but only in the Staff Lounge)
Some senior members degenerate into moderators.
Some moderators degenerate into administrators.

And finally...

All threads in the SQ&F Forum degenerate, usually with the help of a moderate administrator, or a degenerate moderator.

Gary has explained the nuts and bolts of operations quite well. We thank you, Gary.

Blues Man has explained the corporate philosophy with astounding clarity. Well done, Blues Man.

Mal, may I see you in the woodshed, er, my office, please. Yes, you can bring your hand mirror with you.

RWK, could you hang around for a few minutes, please. We need to chat.

Sensop, turn in your inflatable doll.

The rest of you run along and play nice or I'll have to turn Kodiak loose again. Ta-ta!

Mal, over here please. (door closes.....)

((Thank goodness they didn't know to ask about the differences between the senior and junior administrators! Whew! That was a close one!))
See folks! I told you administrators are hot heads.

Dennis, for your information, I do not carry a hand mirror! But I have had my monitor screen silvered.

Narcissus? Who's this Narcissus?
Dennis, since you mentioned it, what is the difference between the senior and junior administators, you know wondering monkies needs to know these things. :p I really thought you would ever ask me to ask this ?, so thank you sir.

Sensop, are you playing with that inflatable doll again, what in the world are we going to do with you.

Also Dennis with your mirrored monitor screen, we all have no conceit because you have it all, so just go and adore yourself.


[This message has been edited by terridarri (edited June 28, 2000).]
Yeah, Dennis! What she said.

[But there was a distinct lack of smiley faces associated with that barb. Ouch!]

It is not *I* who adores himself! I have no mirrored monitor screen. I try to
avoid mirrors... ;) This was a joke involving Mal H.

To be serious for a moment:

- The Senior v. Junior Administrator concept is a joke. The egalitarianism
displayed behind the scenes (among the Staff) is simply amazing.

- However, it would be foolhardy of me not to acknowledge, accept, and often
request the assistance of Rich, DC, Mykl, and others who have been on TFL
almost from day one. The informal and unasked for "Senior" label is only my
way of gently acknowledging (and showing respect for) their greater
experience and expertise. Frankly, I think it makes them a bit uncomfortable,
even as a joke; therefore it is probably questionable taste on my part to
perpetuate the concept.

For the record, they never have made me feel "junior" in any way. Their
support of TFL (and the staff) is greater than is apparent or even imagined by
our members (for whom TFL exists).

Most sincerely, I consider TFL to be a wonderful gift for which I am deeply and
continually grateful. I am awed by the time, effort, and expense so freely
given by Rich and other members of the Staff for our benefit.

The payoff is evident in the quality and increasing number of TFL members. This proves and will ensure that The Firing Line will remain -

Simply the Finest Firearms Information Site on the Web
Double ouch! You guys are really getting tough! Dennis was being very sincere and I concur with all that he said.
I think that Cindy's post was directed at my previous (unsucessful) attempt at prose, not at Dennis' most sincere post.

I agree with Dennis. The "More Experienced, But Not Necessarily Senior" Admins & Mods have been and continue to be very helpful to those of us that have been on the job for...oh my...Almost six months!


"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4 Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website
The question still remaining is are the moderate administrators acually conservatives? Can you conseratively moderate while administering? Can you administrate conservatives while moderating? And just how are the liberals involved in all of this?

Inquiring minds want to know! ;)

There's no such thing as too much love, too much money or too much ammo.
Ideally, I'd provide everyone with Administrator functions. However, could you imaging 12 or 15 Kodiacs or Mykl's running around with the keys to the Red Button? It'd be a *very* quiet Board indeed! ;)

Since we all watch each others' backs on the various Forums, I'd prefer to have all staff able to close threads on all Forums. The software simply isn't set up this way. Therefore, we keep up with each other in the Lounge, wher there are no "classes".....
- Except maybe for the Staff FNG who is required to clean the place after our nightly party.
- And those staff members who haven't yet been introduced to our private parties with Michelle Pfeiffer and Carmen Electra. (Tom Selleck usually pops in to visit with DC on these occasions.)
- And Dennis, who's always required to supply the Shiner.

Other than that, we're all about the same. :)
Yeah, sorry Dennis and Mal, I meant (most of) the stuff up to and including BluesMan's "prose." :)

[This message has been edited by CindyH (edited June 28, 2000).]
Sorry Dennis it was early and I did forget the smilies, so here they are :) :) :) :) :)
