Administer this test before allowing gun ownership . . .

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Prof Young

New member

So many fatalities and injuries attributed to guns are because people do stupid, stupid, stupid things with their firearms.

Now, I say this partly with tongue in check, but maybe we need to administer an IQ test before allowing gun ownership.

Yeah, I know . . .

Live well, be safe.
Prof Young
I hope you're kidding. How about a wealth test? Some other elitist test? I hope I'm missing you're sarcasm...
Like I said . . .


Like I said, it's "tongue in cheek."

But I will point out that IQ has nothing to do with social or economic status. It has nothing to do with education either.

On the other hand one would assume a person who holds a PhD has a decent if not high IQ . . . and I've seen my share of those do some really stupid stuff.

Live well, be safe
Prof Young
Some folks might also advocate IQ tests for driving a car, or for using the internet. At the end of the day, it's punitive and mean-spirited, and I really don't see anything good coming of such a discussion.
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