Adjustment Dials Wrong Leupold


New member
Hi all. I bought a used FX II fixed 4x33 because I wanted a blued one for my CZ527. It appears that the dials are on the wrong turrets. Windage is on the side as it should be but is labeled Up. Threw me for a Loop. Are they changeable? A factory error? Someone else do it? Don’t know that I like it. Otherwise great scope. Thanks
Is the windage turret on the right side of the rifle? If it's on the left, turn the scope 90 degrees clockwise. If it's mounted correctly call Leupold.
Southpaw shooters often mount scopes that way on left handed bolt guns. Then switch the scaled knob dials.
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Measure twice; Cut once !!!

Omg stupid me. I mounted it wrong. Aaaaagh! Thanks.
Irronic that after all my years of mounting scopes, I made this exact mistake, last month. I mounted it on my buddy's Charger and of course, I did not share this info with him …… :rolleyes:

Be Safe !!!
Irronic that after all my years of mounting scopes, I made this exact mistake, last month. I mounted it on my buddy's Charger and of course, I did not share this info with him …… :rolleyes:

Be Safe !!!
Amazing how complacencies can creep in isn’t it? I had an accidental discharge in my mom’s house a couple of years ago and almost shot her dog! Hidden cartridge after I thought I had unloaded her revolver and even looked. I was testing trigger pull and bang! Thankfully always point the muzzle in a safe direction saved the day. That will make you think!
Are the dials switchable?
Some are.

If not, remember shots move (relative to the LOS) the direction knobs move relative to the barrel.

My brother-in-law mounted his 4X scope backwards, realized the issue when image was 4X smaller.

I've seated primers backwards. Went to a rifle match but forgot to bring the rifle.

Perhaps the staff should make a new forum titled "Oops!!!" Then we could all laugh with each other reading our moments of mistakes.
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Been there more than once !!

Only once forgot range bag/ammo.
Use to go a yearly bow-hunting trip, up to central Wisconsin. About six of use set up camp and one of the guys got real silent and when we asked him if he was alright, he said that he forgot his arrows. Had to call his wife to meet him half-way and bring his arrows. Man, I guess he got a ass-chewing from the misses and we all had a good laugh and all shared similar experiences. … :)

Be Safe !!!
Omg stupid me. I mounted it wrong. Aaaaagh! Thanks.
First time I put a scope on a rifle I did the same thing , 50 years ago .... didn't take long to figure it out though . But You tend to remember those things for the rest of your life !
Lesson learned right !
Some scope manufacturers are using the same turrets on both top and sides to reduce inventory and prevent this from happening. They will be labeled up/right and down/left.

Most of my scopes have multiple aiming points or I'd mount them 90* off on purpose. Having the caps on the top and left side instead on the right side gives you a little more clearance for loading and ejecting rounds on most rifles.
seen it before

I've seen that ain't the first fella to get crossed up that way.

I've got an older Japanese TAsco that is still optically sound, but the dials are marked wrong, ie, the windage and elevation dials are in the correct turrets, but the directional arrows are backwards.
Are the dials switchable?

I believe that about all the dials do is move the cross wires, not another thing. To switch them you'd have to take the scope apart! Probably not a good idea!:eek: I think what your talking about is not the dials but the caps? The caps interchange easily but nothing happen's when you switch them!:confused: