Adjusting/using a Leather Sling?


New member
I shot my .22 with my new Leather sling (thanks to Sierra for his generosity). I looped up and I shot a few groups, they weren't so good, I'm thinking it was partially because I was using the upper part of the sights (the horn) , as the stupid "tactical rail" was blocking the actual notch where you're supposed to aim. And when i took it off they started to tighten up ALOT, though theyre still a few inches high. Anyway, I would appreciate it if someone could help me understand how to use this better, as at the apple seed they didn't use this type of sling. Thanks in advance.

Taking me back to boot camp ... Ouch !!!

Basically you have a military style sling and in the past, I have seen diagrams on how to adjust and use them. I believe one source, was a soldier's manual. We were also taught their use, in boot camp but that was a long time ago. How about finding like in kind and calling that manufacturer. Take time to Bing or Google it and I'll just bet you will find it .... :)

Be Safe !!!
Okay, I think I've got mine tight enough. The way I configure mine differs from the way the army did it a bit, as it's not as tight (if it was any tighter I couldn't go prone).