Adjustable site for a taurus 945


New member
Anyone know of an adjustable rear site for a Taurus 945? It has a Millet type sight but I dont know if the cut will accept any other type sight. I'd rather not have to cut up the slide if I could keep from having to.
My 945 has a fixed rear that resembles a Novak, with a very deep dovetail (factory sight).
Which kind and model of Millett sight is mounted on yours? Is it an aftermarket installation?
Gopher, I'm not familiar with this particular Taurus. A rear sight made for whatever it's a copy of should work with only minor fitting. George
It is a Novak type sight not a Millet my mistake. The Taurus is a very close copy of a Sig 220, there is a little difference in the width of the slide and in overall length. Most dealers have told me no one makes a specific sight for the Taurus because of " low cost of the gun."
Gopher, I doubt the price of the gun has anything to do with it. If I was a sight company I think the determination of what I made sights for would be the popularity of the gun. It don't make a lot of sense to make a sight for a pistol that is not being sold very well no matter what the price. The 945 probably just hasn't been on the market long enough. I would measure the dovetail and buy the one that most closely fit. Then either open the dovetail a little to accept it or remove a little material off of the base of the sight. George
George: Unfortunately, it is just the opposite. The dovetail is too deep and too wide for the current crop of adjustable sights. There is a possibility that if somebody dug deeply into the bottom drawer and came up with an old Micro with a half-inch dovetail, it could be made to work.
What I've considered on mine is to make a dovetail blank to fill the slot and go ahead and mount a S&W adjustable rear, disregarding looks in favor of utility.
The downside of the 945 is peculiar. Most shooters cry about sloppy fits. The Taurus is too tight. After about 30 rounds, mine becomes sluggish and prone to malfunctions. I don't think that it is ever going to be in the top three of popularity (with me, at any rate.)