Adjust Grip to Keep Muzzle Up?


New member
Like many people, I have a tendency to force the muzzle of the pistol down when pulling the trigger. i wonder if it would be helpful to change my grip from both hands on the grip, weak thumb on top of shooting hand thumb, to a grip which places the index finger of the non-trigger hand on the front of the trigger guard and the weak thumb beside the take-down pin (on a Ruger). Many modern pistols are made so that the weak hand index finger can rest on the front of the trigger guard. The idea is to put more support towards the front of the pistol. I haven't tried this at the range, but it seems to help while dry-firing.

Any comments?

If you train yourself to move NOTHING but your trigger finger when you pull the trigger, everything else falls into place.
Many good shots use the "finger-forward" grip. Many pistols have tiggerguards shaped and/or textured to facilitate this.

The finger-forward grip does tend to minimize some shooters' tendencies to dip the muzzle as the shot breaks. This is usually caused by snatching at the trigger or squeezing with the whole hand.

Not all pistols lend themselves to this grip. Many offer the forward finger no secure purchase or force it to reach so far as to disrupt the support hand's grip on the pistol's butt. On various miniature pistols (Seecamps, etc.), the finger-forward habituated shooter is in some danger of letting that finger stray in front of the muzzle. Thus, it is best if the shooter can refine his trigger control technique, rather than adopting a grip that masks the problem. Various approaches can help. "Ball and dummy" drills, working with a low-recoiling .22 rimfire, and so forth. I have, on occasion, stood beside the shooter and placed my finger on their pistol's trigger. I then have them fire the pistol by pressing my finger. Since my flesh-and-blood finger can feel when they jerk the trigger, they make an effort not to. While their secret is safe with the pistol's metal trigger.
