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    Thank you for your cooperation and your participation in TFL, the leading online forum for firearms enthusiasts.

Addendum to Gun Show Rules suggestion....


New member
I see that Tuttle8 just added the new rule "you must be a member in good standing for at least 30 days and have 25 MEANINGFUL posts in the other discussion forums" for the classified section of the forum which I agree with. Must other forums I vsit have something similier. I've seen it many times where someone's first post is a complaint/warning/boycott/whatever about someone/something that happened on other forum and has nothing to do with TFL. I was wondering what yall thought about adding that same rule to the Retail Deals and Feedback section as well?
We did consider that, but the thinking is that if a deal goes sour or we have a bad apple in our bunch, so to speak, we don't want any delay in getting the word out. That forum isn't quite the same as being able to use our resources to sell your wares without giving back anything to the main forum at all.

In addition, if a new member happened to buy from or sell something to an "established" member, there's no reason they shouldn't be able to give the established member an attaboy in a new thread.
Would it be possible to set the system to automatically delete the thread if they create a complaint thread and don't post anything else within some set time frame?

One post only, in feedback, no activity for 5 days = deleted thread. (For example)
"Would it be possible to set the system to automatically delete the thread if they create a complaint thread and don't post anything else within some set time frame?

One post only, in feedback, no activity for 5 days = deleted thread. (For example)"

What if they create a positive experience thread?

Delete it after 5 days? Develop a complex algorithmic-based parser that would determine if the message is positive, negative, or neutral?

What if they create a positive experience thread?

Delete it after 5 days? Develop a complex algorithmic-based parser that would determine if the message is positive, negative, or neutral?

Well, no, I'd just leave it at no feedback without some meaningful "other" activity. I didn't even realize the new rules were in effect for selling until I saw this thread. Seems like the same rule could easily apply to the feedback section as well.
I checked your file, 3 gun. It's posted as you're gun show eligible. If you still can't post there, let me know. We'll get it ironed out...
Whether he did or not, I don't think your thread was for naught. Meaningful suggestions are always worth hearing from members. How else are we going to know what y'all are thinkin'? ;)