Added Another Snub….


New member

Found this S&W 396 Nightguard .44 Special at my local pawn shop today. Had to come home with me. I’m a sucker for .44 snubs.
Congrats! Love the snubs as well. Although that might be a little too much for me to handle. However I would love to shoot one. Thanks for sharing. Nice looking gun! Have you shot it yet? Let us know how you like it.
Haven’t shot it yet, but I wouldn’t think it would be bad to shoot. .44 Specials are pretty easy shooting rounds.
Congrats on the new addition, that would be hard to pass up. I love me some 44 spl. The night guard series was a good series of guns, I missed out of getting one. I wanted one of the 10mm guns.
Curiosity got the better of me here and sorry for being nosey and impolite-- but what did you have to leave at the pawn shop?
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That is a very nice gun. I just checked Gunbroker and there are not any listed for sale. Has the 396 been discontinued already?
Great find!

In the night guard series I have had 386, 325 and still have the 329. The 396 is the one that I have always wanted but just can’t ever seem to find one at the right price. Caliber and size seem to be the best of it all to me. Congratulations!
I promise "hillary hole" is about the most repugnant and ill mannered comment a gun thread can tolerate.

If S&W gave to craps about your opinion being right, they would have long sense not been bought by a company that made the lock that has been around for 20 years.
Holes can be filled in.
You're right, and someone supposedly makes a cover or "filler" for the visual monstrosity that is the Hillary Hole. But that's like covering an ugly scab with a band-aid.

Even then you know it's still there. It's like trying to ignore an infected wisdom tooth. But unlike an infected tooth, which can be gotten rid of, the HH remains on the gun, cover or not.

That's why all my S&W wheelies are pre-HH models. The aversion to the HH can be seen on the auction sites, judging by the prices being asked - and apparently gotten - for pre-HH/"pre-lock" S&Ws.

All that said, the OP's still got a nice snubby.

Then, suddenly, a kitty hissed:
I promise "hillary hole" is about the most repugnant and ill mannered comment a gun thread can tolerate. If S&W gave to craps about your opinion being right, they would have long sense not been bought by a company that made the lock that has been around for 20 years.

That's cute. By the way, it's "two," not "to".
I promise "hillary hole" is about the most repugnant and ill mannered comment a gun thread can tolerate.

If S&W gave to craps about your opinion being right, they would have long sense not been bought by a company that made the lock that has been around for 20 years.
I’d bet if all of S&W models were offered either with or without the HH it would disappear pretty fast due to not enough sales.
It would piss me off to own something with what the Clintons thought was a good idea. Why is S&W still adding that crap to a work of art?
Mk70SS, I hope you ignore all the negative comments. Some just cannot seem to resist this kind of thing.
You got yourself a really nice Revolver. I love the looks of that gun. Nice design, looks solid. Just wish I could shoot it. As you said, I have not shot a snub in that caliber but doing a little research it seems it is fairly easy to handle. Let us know when you do a range report. THANKS FOR SHARING!
I'm no where near too proud to pass up a nice Smith at a reduced price because of added safety that will never get used.
More for use less picky gun owners.
Now, perfectly good Ruger's (GP, Redhawk) with sleeved barrels is another story.
Looks, smells and cries out Cheap in my book, Charter Arms used to do this!