Actual TFL Member Gunfights

Jeff Thomas

New member
This may be over the top - if so, I'll apologize up front. However, from time to time I notice members (LEO's, military personnel and civilians) mention that they have had to use their firearm(s) to defend their own life, arrest a felon, defend the life of another, etc.

Now, I recognize this is combat (although I'm really not referring to military situations), and many people choose not to discuss combat for reasons of emotion, respect, and legal issues, among others. However, for those TFL members who have actually been in such a situation, would you mind sharing the experience? What were the basic facts? In restrospect, was there a practical time / way for you to have avoided the confrontation? What mistakes did you make, or what do you wish you had done diffently? What mistake did your adversary(ies) make? Did you feel your choice of weapon / ammo had a significant impact on the outcome? Do you think you actually used your front sight, or did you instinctively revert to one-handed point shooting in the crisis of the moment? And so on.

In essence, for those of us fortunate enough to have simply trained for this possibility, what advice do you offer? Let' keep this honest - no BS stories. And, if you choose to keep your own counsel I certainly respect your feelings.

Thank you.
Jeff, I used to post this stuff, but no longer. I got weird e-mail from it.

If you want to know more, I will be in Phoenix from 4/18 to 4/22 on training business. I will be at the Sleep Inn on south 47th place. Leave me a message if you want to meet.
Jeff, this is a bit too personal to hang out over the web... Best covered via personal E-mails if you REALLY want to know and every one you ask is okay with it.

Most of us would be glad to share with you that way - but posting... Kinda avoided.

"There is no Spoon"
I agree, if I had your e-mail address I'd send info. I don't really want to discuss events in postings.
Gentlemen, as I indicated in my original posting, I do understand. Over the years I have learned to ask the dicey questions, because sometimes it is fascinating what you can learn. Thank you for not taking offense.

I've contacted you where I can. Thank you.
I've never been in a gunfight, but my wife had an occasion to present a gun to defend herself & our 11 year old daughter. We had been visiting friends in a nearby town, and were returning home at about 10:30PM. I stopped at a convenience store to get drinks, and foolishly forgot to lock my door. While I was inside, a man entered the car, looked at my wife, looked at our daughter sleeping in the back seat, laughed, and said, "I'm taking you ladies for a little ride." Deb reached into the glove box* and pulled my Officer's ACP, pointed it at his head, and told him, "If you don't get out right now, I'll blow your effing head off." He vanished quickly.
Lessons: always lock your doors. Easiest way to prevent a carjacking, which are generally crimes of opportunity.
I have gone round & round with a few anti's about this. Yes, it's true that had I locked the door, this probably wouldn't have happened, but the point is: I made a simple tiny mistake because I was tired, and thanks to a gun, a major catastrophe was turned into a merely unpleasant experience.

*I live in SC, and it is legal to carry a loaded handgun in the glove box or console of one's vehicle, provided that the door is closed (not locked, just closed), no permit required. With my present car, console carry permits faster access than ANY holster.

Shoot straight regards, Richard

Email me for details. I've never drawn my pistol but once and didn't point it then. I have had several episodes where it came down to making shoot/don't shoot decisions several times a second.