actual experience with Taurus

actual experience with taurus

  • Never owned one, but would if the right deal came along

    Votes: 42 11.8%
  • never owned one and never will

    Votes: 22 6.2%
  • owed/still own taurus handguns with no issues

    Votes: 198 55.5%
  • owned/still own taurus hanguns with problems

    Votes: 95 26.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New member
I am not a Taurus fanboy by any means, but I have owned 2 taurus over the years with zero problems. The taurus bashing by people who have not first hand expeirence kind of gets old. I am curious to see what actual owners have had. So please vote accordingly
I don't understand the Taurus bashing either. I have Rugers, Springfields, Barettas, Colts and have a couple of Taurus. Never had any problems with Taurus to speak of. Seems kinda of rude to bash another mans choice of weapons but I guess the anonimaty of the keyboard enpowers some folks.:confused:
I think that Taurus sells a whole lot of guns and most people are probably very happy with them. For every 100 people happy with their Taurus, there are 1 or 2 that got a bad one and rant about it on the internet.

I own a Taurus Tracker .17 HMR and have not had a single malfunction.
Had a model 85 revolver what a POS. Had a 450 .45 Colt revolver and no problems. Taurus is not for me. I would consider Rossi 92 lever action.
Never had a problem with any of the five Taurii that I have owned. I still have two of them. Wish I hadn't been stupid enough to listen to other people and sell my PT92. It was a great shooter. I have had more problems with Rugers and Smiths than I ever had with a Taurus. Granted, they were low end Rugers and Smiths, but still more costly than Taurus. Maybe I was lucky with mine or just not unlucky.
I have owned 2 Taurus revolvers with problems...after 2.5 years, one of them is in the safe with a problem now and I am not paying any more money in shipping to have it returned unfixed or one problem fixed while it has developed another while in the shop without it being caught before it is happened on the last repair trip. They are junk and I will just chalk this up to experience and spend future dollars elsewhere.
I've owned 3.

My first was a 24-7 Pro .45acp. By and large, a good gun. My only complaint, with stout loads, the mag would drop out sometimes. I'm not sure it was the gun, of if my hand would bump the easy-push button. As I became a better pistol shooter, or simply changing the mag spring probably would have fixed it.

I have one of their .357 snub nose. Again, no major problems. I've had some ammo where the primers may drag when the cylinder rotates. Nothing major, just adds to trigger weight. Decent ammo has no trouble.

Lastly, I hav one of the Judges. If you jerk the trigger, it doesn't line up properly. Slow, smooth pull is no problem. I just keep it around to use in single action on pesky critters around the farm.

All in all, I don't hate Taurus, but I probably won't buy any more.
Own a Judge Public Defender Poly, and a PT22 Poly. No problems at all with either.
Plan on buying a Tracker 992 when I can find. 4" stainless model.
Also my son has had a completely trouble free PT-145 for several years.
I had a PT-111 (or some such numbers). It was probably the one gun that fit my hand the best, but had a horrible trigger pull. I never really understood it, the pull weight must have been 20 lbs. on the first shot in a magful of ammo.The subsequent shots were not as bad, but still quite a challenge. I tried loading less than a full mag and still had that "20 lb." trigger pull on the first round. I never found another gun that fit my hand that well, but gave up on it due to the trigger pull. I traded it for a CZ.
To be fair, FrankenMauser, what has your experience been that you make those comments?

I'm with FrankenMauser, I've posted numerous times about my THREE experiences with three separate Taurus weapons which all have failed spectacularly or had HUGE/dangerous manufacturing mistakes. I've had issues with several used firearms such as SA, S&W, Ruger and so forth but they've always been used. I've NEVER had 3 for 3 fail in new guns from a single manufacture.

If you can afford a Taurus you can afford a Ruger... unless the model didn't have something comparable offered by Ruger I couldn't fathom why you would go with a Taurus.

I will not slight a man who like their taurus but I wouldn't bet my life on his gun either. I will not recommend a taurus to another due to my experience, seems hypocritical.

I also don't understand why people who defend their Taurus guns feel the need to require ownership to justify an opinion?

You don't need to taste a POS to know that it is in fact a POS. That doesn't just apply to Taurus.
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owed/still own taurus handguns with no issues

I don't recommend them, but my Taurus 608 4" 8 shot .357 after 3000 full factory .357s it's still like new, I could have bought a new 905 for a song, I wish I bought it, considering it's about the only 9mm snub that can be had.

The taurus bashing by people who have not first hand expeirence kind of gets old.

Kind of like the Glock bashers. I don't recommend them either, but I love my Glock 20SF with a long slide with a comp screwed on the barrel. It looks scary.
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I just bought my 15th Taurus. Of the 15, 14 have been flawless. I bought a 22LR Tracker that did have to go back becasue the cylinder would not always advance. Had it back in my hands in about a week, fixed free of charge. I see a ton of them at the range that seem to be going strong.
Kind of like the Glock bashers
Glock bashers are far and few between the Taurus bashers. Besides, Glocks are used my LEO's in America and other parts of the world. Can Taurus say that?
Had a Taurus 605 .357 snub-nose. Fit and finish was on par with the price I suppose. The cylider catch got stuck twice and the cylinder wouldn't lock into place. I thought I fixed it myself the first time, I had to drive it out with a punch. Basically just disassembled it and took a tapered knife sharpener and tried to polish the hole. The second time it happened I fixed it and then sold it as quick as I could and bought a ruger SP101. Everything about the ruger is far superior to the Taurus.

Had a friend who bought a Judge. Very quickly it fell out of time and was useless. It got fixed and sold to another friend and I'm unaware of any issues since.

Another time I was in a gun store and someone brought in a judge to be sent back for warranty repair. I didn't hear what was wrong with it but I did hear him say it was the second time going back for the same problem.

Conversely I have another friend who is very happy with his PT145 with no malfunctions that I know of. However I think the gun only has maybe 500 rounds through it in about 5 years or so.
I only owned Taurus revolvers and they all had issues, some minor and some serious. I've since sold all of them and never gone back, that was almost ten years ago. Last year I got a chance to spend a day with a more recent example from Taurus, the famed Judge. It had a terrible trigger, very stiff cylinder latch and a sticky ejection rod, all problems I had with the ones I owned.

While some people have great experiences with Taurus firearms, I've found them to be the pig wearing lip stick of the gun industry. They sure look good sitting in that case, sometimes even better than the more expensive S&W or Ruger sitting right next to it. But in the end, its function over form every time when it comes to guns.

My opinion is purely based on experience; I'm not part of the "never owned a Taurus but I bash them anyways" conspiracy I hear so much about.
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I owned a PT1911 for a while. Was a good gun, fed everything, and was very accurate. Only thing I couldnt stand was the ugly TAURUS PT1911 on the slide. I couldnt get over it. Was just so ugly. So I sold it to a friend and he still shoots it. If it would of been a plain slide it would probably been one of my favorite 1911s.