Actor for falling rocks.



'Harry Potter' actor fatally stabbed in London

Teenage actor from forthcoming film killed in late-night bar brawl
Associated Press, updated 8:04 p.m. ET, Sat., May. 24, 2008

A teenage actor who will appear in the forthcoming "Harry Potter" movie was stabbed to death in a brawl outside a south London bar early Saturday, police said.

Rob Knox, 18, was caught up in a fight outside the Metro Bar in Sidcup just after midnight, London's Metropolitan Police said in a statement. The teen's death, less than two weeks after another youngster was brutally slain only a few miles away, has focused the British capital's attention on knife crime.

Knox plays Ravenclaw student Marcus Belby in "Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince," the sixth cinematic installment of the wildly popular Harry Potter series, set for release this fall. Warner Brothers said it was shocked by the news.

Knox was one of five young men and boys taken to various hospitals across the capital after the brawl, police said. Among them was a 21-year-old who has since been arrested on suspicion of murder.

The fight did not appear to be gang-related, police added, but it puts the number of violent teenage deaths in London at 14 so far this year. Knox played on the same rugby club as another recent teenage victim, Jimmy Mizen, who was fatally stuck with a piece of glass outside a south London bakery earlier this month after refusing to take part in a fight.

England and Wales' homicide rate is more than three times lower than that of the U.S., according to 2005 statistics, but the parade of young victims on the nightly news has disquieted Londoners.

The city's new mayor, Boris Johnson, won election on promises to tackle violent crime. And the Metropolitan Police have recently kicked off an aggressive new program to search anyone they wish for knives without having to justify their suspicions beforehand.

England's children's commissioner, Sir Al Aynsley-Green, has warned the searches could backfire if they build hostility among young people.

"There is a balance here," Aynsley-Green told British Broadcasting Corp. television Saturday. "On the one hand for young people to feel safer by having the presence of the police, but on the other hand making sure the new powers don't create further antagonism by increased stopping and searching."

I cant shake a terrible sense of foreboding...this could be the US in a few short years. Hopefully the SCOTUS gets it right in June.
Keep in mind that the UK doesn't have a history of respecting personal freedom. We are rapidly forgetting ours, but haven't completely forgotten yet.
This is liable to be us sometime down the road, but not that soon.

Well... outside the big cities anyway :o Seems that if you drag out the "terrorist" boogeyman Americans will comply with anything.
I not so sure. The UK spearheaded the use of CCTV cameras to supposedly counter crime, which isnt the case. London alone has 10,524 CCTV installed. Yet 80% of crime goes unsolved there. My point: there are new police cameras going up all over region where I live here in Virginia. And these are suburban areas...NOT city environments. The UK and US are different? Maybe not...
"Grandma what big eyes you have...

The better to see you with my dear."

It's all "feel good" politics. This isn't Britain, and America better remember why it fought against them long ago. Too bad people here forget what the Constitution is about.

The city's new mayor, Boris Johnson, won election on promises to tackle violent crime. And the Metropolitan Police have recently kicked off an aggressive new program to search anyone they wish for knives without having to justify their suspicions beforehand.

This is where America is headed. Stand up for your rights at every opportunity... and I don't mean just the 2nd Amendment.. I mean all of them.
Cops could stop anyone they wanted and they did.
Don't elect Rudy to dog catcher!

sounds like here, and everywhere else, that the sneaky political b_stards passed the "click it or ticket law":mad:

I knew this was going to happen. First couple of years there was a seat belt law. But you could not be pulled over for not wearing your seat belt. Then comes click it or ticket. Now they can pull you over anytime they want.

"I pulled you over because. I thought you weren't wearing your seat belt. Licence and registration, can I search your car, bla bla bla...............:mad:
Teenagers and young men are being killed weekly here in London. It has been going on for some time. We just had a 16 year old shot in the head this weekend, he is in the intensive care unit at the hospital up the road.
Criminals do not obey laws.

British and American liberals blame the objects (gun, knife, bat, whatever) and pass laws banning their possession and carry. Yet these crimes continue and even increase. Why? Because criminals do not obey gun bans, knife bans, etc.. because they are CRIMINALS. All these laws do is keep law abiding citizens from possessing or carrying these items, since they are the ones who obey these silly laws. Thus the law abiding citizens are unarmed and the criminals know it, which explains Britain's crime increase and that in large liberal US cities such Chicago, Wash. DC, Baltimore and liberal states like NJ, NY and MD. When will the sheep in Britain and America wake up, realize they were tricked into giving up their rights in return for false promises of lower crime and have instead been handed more crime and then demand their rights back and let crime lower back to the good old days of no or little gun control when it was unheard of for a teenager to be stabbed or shot in the head during a fight outside a nightclub.
Glasgow has had random stop and frisk for years

I was backpacking through Britain in '96 and carried a buck 110. Image my surprise when there was a public awareness campaign saying that ANYBODY was subject to stop and pat down for weapons at any time while in public.
We just had a 16 year old shot in the head this weekend, he is in the intensive care unit at the hospital up the road.

I thought guns were banned in the UK? I guess the criminals didn't get that memo.
Re: UK quest to eliminate safety "threats"...can it get any crazier?

Yes, it can! Here, a pine tree must be cut down, say the experts,'s needles resemble hypodermic syringes!!!:p Someone tell me this article is a farce, please!

150-year-old Monkey puzzle tree facing chop because council says its needles are 'like syringes'

By Beth Hale
Last updated at 12:14 PM on 24th May 2008

For 150 years, it has stood in splendid serenity on the village green, harming no one and pleasing many.

Over the decades, the monkey puzzle tree at West Cross, near Swansea, became a much-loved local landmark.

But now it is facing the chop … because, in modern Britain, the needle-like points of its leaves are deemed a danger to health and safety.

One expert likened the effect of the needles to being pricked by a hypodermic syringe.

‘Every effort is made in this day and age to prevent children playing with discarded syringe needles,’ a report stated.

‘Every effort must be made to prevent children coming into contact with these potentially, equally sharp needles.’

But a campaign to save the 50ft tree, also known as a Chilean Pine, has been launched by residents, who insist the prickly foliage is not likely to present the same risk of spreading infectious diseases as a discarded syringe.

The protest is being led by Mike and Carol Crafer, who are threatening to sell up if the tree – which stands in front of their home – is axed. ‘It’s another case of health and safety gone mad,’ said Mrs Crafer, a 49-year old mother of two. ‘The tree’s needles are not that dangerous – comparing them to syringes is ridiculous.

‘The tree is part of the local landscape and has been for a century and a half. It rarely sheds its foliage and there are plenty of volunteers here who would be happy to clear up the needles.’
Tom Henderson

Her husband, a 57-year-old sustainability manager with Thames Water, said: ‘This is a crazy decision to cut the tree down.

‘We have put this to the test by trying to prick ourselves with the needles, but have not been able to – that’s how dangerous they are.’

The Crafers led more than 30 banner-waving residents in a protest against Swansea Council’s decision to cut the tree down,

The council brought in two independent health and safety experts who both advised to give the monkey puzzle the chop, especially since a new school is being opened nearby.

A council spokesman said: ‘Safety experts have said the tree is too much of a risk to children for it to remain.

‘One expert likened the tree foliage to discarded syringe needles and warns they pose a probable risk of serious injury to children. The authority could find itself defending any litigation, should this arise.’

However, Martin Caton, MP for Gower, Swansea, yesterday said the decision ‘stinks’.

He added: ‘ I urge everyone who cares about the quality of their environment to protest against this council plan.’
The monkey puzzle tree: A 'living fossil' the dinosaurs dined on

• The monkey puzzle tree is native to the Andes of Chile and Argentina.

• Plant collector Archibald Menzies is thought to have introduced it to Britain in

• It got its name when a gardener in Cornwall was showing his specimen to friends and one remarked: ‘It would puzzle a monkey to climb that.’

• It is sometimes associated with bad luck.

• Often described as a living fossil, its family the Araucariaceae can be traced back to the Mesozoic era, which started 250million years ago.

• Far from deterring monkeys, the spiky leaves probably developed to try to fend off grazing dinosaurs.

• Araucarias can live for 1,200 years and reach 160ft.

• To some indigenous peoples of Chile and Argentina, the tree is sacred.

• The seeds were traditionally collected as a food crop.

• Trade in its timber is now banned because it is so rare.