Active Shooter course After Action Review

Hiker 1

New member
This week I attended a joint cop/civilian active shooter course run by active-duty LEO's. The training took place in an elementary school. There were 7 cops, 6 civilians, 3 role-players, and the head LEO who ran the course.

This was an excellent class. Those of us on the civilian side got to see how LEOs handle AS scenarios and also get their feedback and suggestions as we went through our own scenarios.

We all used Glock simmunition pistols and ammo and the LEO's also used 870 and AR sims.

A couple of things I observed, from the civilian side:

1. The older students, myself included (I'm 39, the other guy was probably 43), were much more decisive and less hesitant. We were also much more accurate in shooting under very stressful environments. I could attribute some of this to my infantry background, but the other gentleman had no mil or LE experience and he did just as well.
The other civilian students were in their late 20's and early 30's and I noticed significant hesitation and confusion. This is not to knock any age group. It's an observation.

2. While I handled the scenario very well, in two incidents, I was the one who had to call 911. I found myself floundering to get descriptions right and even had to look at my shirt to remember what color it was. The other 911 callers struggled as well. Adrenaline and heart-rate can make you say some strange things.

Overall, this was a great course and I highly recommend something like this if you can find one if your area. As we have seen in Tuscon, Colorado Springs, Flight 93 and countless other incidents, civilians, both armed and unarmed, are often the first line of defense against madmen.

Two thumbs up! :D
I took part of one in NJ for the county swat, it was a great experience. Like you said I would recommend it to anyone who can.

Yours sounds allot better though, you got to play LEO side of things? And its amazing how simple descriptions can get distorted without realizing it, gets you thinking.

Good post thanks for sharing.
Yep, it was great. The shooting scenarios I went through were all civilian-based though I did help one of the LEO teams with some room-clearing when one of their guys had to leave.
Isnt the purpose of this training to "train" the responding LEO's in a more realistic setting and not to train the actors?
This hits me as very strange.

I went to Dicks Sporting Goods one day and met the manager of the gun dept. I wanted to see what the LEO's use for ammo. Using the same type could save my butt in a legal situation. (If I have to defend myself, I don't use the Super-Slam Gang Banger Brand). I use what is proper for a LEO.

He says that they only come in once per year when they are required to re-qualify. He said they buy the cheapest they can and clean out the 40 caliber. Our local Dicks only sells rifles and does not sell hand guns. They do sell hand gun caliber ammo.

Sorry to ramble, my point.....
I fail to see the point of training with a LEO or using simulation. LEO's will have to physically fight a perp before they go for their weapon. We as Permit Owners are not required to take someone into custody or worry about our safety if we follow the Rules of the State we live in.

My 2 cents and I fail to see the value of the training for a real life situation.
I am really getting skeptical now....

In an Elementary School? In our state, guns are not allowed within 1000 feet of a school unless you are a Law Enforcement Officer.

Am I missing something here?
Wow what state was this in? That sounds awesome!
I have never even heard of this simmunition stuff until I just looked it up.
I'm rather surprised about the school setting to, I know it's realistic but the hoops they had to jump through must have been incredible.
In our state, guns are not allowed within 1000 feet of a school unless you are a Law Enforcement Officer.

They were LEO's instructing the civilians, and the LEO's supplied the firearms. What's to miss?
Active shooter training is excellent for all involved; pretty much every cop gets some form of it nowadays, and I think as much school infrastructure that can be included is a win. Scenario based training with Sims is fantastic, especially when every situation, like reality, is not a shoot.
They were LEO's instructing the civilians, and the LEO's supplied the firearms. What's to miss?

Exactly. Only sims guns were brought into the school by the non-LEO students.