"Active" muffs. On or off?


New member
Which provides the most sound protection with electronic muffs?
Having them on or off or does it make no difference? :confused:
Probably off, Electric muffs just have mic's and speakers to let you hear between shots.. they're suppose to cut out on loud noises.. key word "suppose to".

When they cut out it's just like they're off so if they're working correctly I guess it makes no difference but off should guarantee best results.

Regardless if on or off the foam that actually does the noise reducing is passive and always working.
You can get the best results by having foam earplugs in your ears and having a decent pair of electronic muffs on and volume up to max.

If you have Howard Leight Impact Sport muffs, you have the lowest level of decent, acceptable electronic muffs in my opinion. If they cost $50-$60 retail, they should be decent. Higher priced ones are better.

However, if you have Caldwell or Frankford Arsenal, $20-$30, they are junk and lack the circuitry to offer decent amplification. They will protect your hearing but they cut the audio for FAR too long a time and don't allow you to hear much.
LOL I just bought 3 pairs of the caldwell..
I looked at the leight and heard the same thing about audio problems.
Although it was the reverse.. people saying they didn't cut off in time.

Oh well, Hopefully they've improved since you last tested.
[QUOTEWhen they cut out it's just like they're off so if they're working correctly I guess it makes no difference but off should guarantee best results.][/QUOTE]

The cheap ones cut out completely when there is a noise above their cut out threshold.
Better ones never cut out--they reduce the level of the loud sounds to a safe level, usually somewhere around 80 db. You can hear range commands etc. even while firing.
The ones I use are Howard Leights and I also use the custom fitted plugs from the audiologist who did my HEARING AIDS!

I ...still..... "notice" gunshots with both on.
SLIGHT discomfort even with 22 rifle.

That DON'T SEEM RIGHT.... :confused::eek::confused::confused:

Audiologist says I shouldn't get any effect from 22 and BOTH.

But I ..do.


I feel like banding a layer of styrofoam around my whole damn head and cuttting out eyeholes. :D