Action Rifle AR-15


New member
I'm starting to put together a list of things for my AR-15. I plan on shooting it in USPSA 3 gun challenges as well as rifle events.

I've seen a lot of folks who like to use a 45 degree offset rail for a red dot site, and then a 2-4 power scope for the top rail.

Others prefer a scope with a red dot piggybacked on top.

I would like to hear specifically the pros and cons of each setup in your mind.

I would also be interested to hear any other suggestions that you consider a MUST on your action rifle.

Thanks in advance.

The only MUST is a good trigger, if you want to add things and spend money. I have a JP but there are many choices.

For me, an optical sight is real good because my eyes do not focus on the front sight very well. I have an IOR 1.1-4x; low power variables are popular because you get almost a dot on 1x and enough magnification and precision for long shots.

As for having 2 optical sights, that puts you in Open division and you compete against the shooters who have invested lots of time and money. The extra optic is good for close in because a dot can be very fast, but is harder to use at greater distance. Some shooters have an optic on the upper, then mount iron sights angled on the handguard or upper. Same reason, but that leaves you in Tactical division because there is just one optical sight. If you shoot USPSA handgun matches, pick the division that matches your handgun (Open goes to Open, any other pistol div goes to Tactical).
