Action Pistol Basics


Ok so I am going to enter into my first action pistol competition but I need some advice on the ins and outs of how it will work. I contacted the administrator of the match and he told me it is 3 stages of 48 rounds. I have enough magazines currently to hold 44 rounds. Will there be an opportunity when it is not my turn to top off my magazines or do I need to purchase another magazine?

Thanks for helping out a noob
3 stages of 48 rounds.

Not sure what that means. Each stage requires 48 rounds? Or the three stages combined require 48 rounds? If it's the latter, yes, you'll have time to top off your mags.

I'm curious what discipline of action shooting this is? Because either way, it seems kind of odd. Most stages are less than 48 rounds; and most matches total over 48 rounds. I don't shoot every discipline, so maybe some have 48 round stages. If so, you'll need one more mag. You'll have time to reload them between stages.
He told me that there are 3 stages with 48 shots in each. Its an NRA action pistol match. This is all new to me so i didn't know that it was weird. I ended up finding a great deal on a 2 pack of magazines, but thanks for your reply!
It's handy to have the extra mags but often not technically required. In action pistol each stage is 48 shots with strings being no greater than six shots. There are not tactical reloads. You just reload between strings. So it's low pressure that way. You also aren't scored by time plus but rather by points scored within a certain time frame (the time frames are still pretty tight however). So this is not a run and gun match. The hard part is action pistol is generally very demanding on accuracy. Much more so than USPSA or idpa. It's a great type of pistol competition and one that is revolver neutral. I wish my area had more action pistol matches available. Have fun!!