Act Now Ohio! FOP aims to seize your rights

Act Now! FOP aims to seize your rights

By Jim Irvine

The Ohio FOP will be holding a press conference on Wednesday to protest Ohio’s law abiding citizens' firearms rights. Date and time are yet to be announced, but they have made it clear that they will do whatever they can to prevent your rights from being restored.

While the vast majority of the rank and file officers support you and your rights, the FOP, led by their Legislative Chairman Mike Drum, does not. This extreme and out of touch organization is brow beating your legislature and Governor over an amendment that restores your rights.

How extreme is the FOP? They insist that you need a concealed carry license to transport a handgun in your car. Consider this sentence from their letter:

"Furthermore, with the proposed changes pertaining to transportation of a firearm in a motor vehicle (lines 64-67) anyone, including unlicensed persons, can transport a firearm in a motor vehicle as long as it is not on their person. (Emphasis in original)"

Oh, the humanity. Unlicensed persons could transport a firearm in a car! Never mind that was how the law worked for decades before HB12 (Ohio’s concealed carry law) became effective in 2004. No one ever intended to remove the right to transport in a car, it was a drafting error that caused that problem. Even Toby Hoover has never proposed anything so crazy. These are your tax dollars at work.

Go here to download the actual FOP letter they are pushing on your legislature.

The FOP is crying about the Katrina provision, aimed at stopping door to door seizures of your firearms, such as happened after hurricane Katrina. That opposition should scare the hell out of every law abiding gun owner in the country. If you have never been involved in this fight before, now is the time.

The FOP claims that CHL’s are an officer safety issue, although they can’t cite one instance of Ohio’s 100,000 plus license holders being a danger to any officer in any traffic stop in over four years.

Until four years ago, business owners (including establishments where liquor was served) could carry in their business with no license; they could also grant permission to others. Now the FOP argues that even off duty officers are dangerous in such businesses, and owners should not be able to hire them for security.

The FOP is an elitist group working extremely hard to steal your rights. You will see them in the media soon. They have been talking to your legislature, and too many of them are listening to their “Chicken Little” hysteria.

You need to contact your legislature immediately and encourage them to disregard the rantings of the FOP. The FOP had their chance to have their ideas heard, but chose to remain silent. They have NEVER responded to our request for feedback. Looking at their objections, it seems they know their arguments can not be defended. Their only path to “victory” is to throw fear grenades at the last minute, knowing there is not enough time to research the truth. This tactic has worked for them in the past – don’t let it happen again.

We need you to stand with us (literally) at the Ohio Statehouse. The hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, May 21 at 9:30AM in Room 121. Any gun owner who does not step up in some manor now, is enabling the anti-gunners to win. Don’t be the gun grabber’s friend.

Make sure your Representative and Senator are educated on the issue. Time is running short.

Contact your Representative

Contact your Senator

Learn who your elected officials are.

Your information will NOT be sold. We may use it to contact you if we need help with your specific Representative or Senator.

If you want to leave a message for Mike Drum and the FOP, call 614-224-5700. Be polite. Treat them better than they deserve because we are better people.

Thank you all. Together we will win this battle to restore your rights!

Please stay tuned to Buckeye Firearms for updates!
FOP=Fraternal Order of Police. I stopped contributing to the FOP over a decade ago. Every time Bill Klinton announced another gun control scheme from the rose garden there was Gallegos, head of the FOP at the time. :mad:
KnightOfTheOldeCode, thank you for posting this thread, you saved me the time. also to all that read this thread and post, please remember that most of the rank and file LEO`s do not agree with Mike Drum, he has alot of political clout . remember the FOP is the #1 lobbying organization in the state of Ohio. most likely if the rank and file had their say Ohio`s gun laws would not be butchered as they are. unfortunately politics can ruin the career of an outspoken LEO if he`s not singing the praises of the FOP ceo`s.:barf:

but if the national stand of an organization is anti-gun as the position of FOP is than its anti gun until the rank and file change it. Until the national stand is changed the FOP is on record as anti-gun.
Stand up for your rights, Ohio. Call your representatives over and over again until they get tired of hearing from you. Oh, and put something about Ohio in the title and you might get more page views for the thread.
Blue collar and thin blue line

Have a lot in common. One of these things is that in their union organizations, the general membership is ok with gun owners, while the political leadership is the exact opposite. Why is it that union leaders and police "chiefs" are so out of touch with this portion of the beliefs held by those they supposedly represent?

We hear this time and timne again, the "rank and file" are with us, but the chiefs (virtually ALL of them) are anti-gun. Why is that, do you think?
most of rank and file police are on our side when it comes to ccw/QUOTE]

The most rank and file need to to run through the FOP like a dose of salts....Because the FOP has just made every officer look bad.