ACLU Survey in the mail........


New member

I suppose I got this because I'm a registered Independent. I get lots of mail and phoney calls around this time every 2-4 years for some reason. :rolleyes:

This one reads like the DNC platform. Lots of questions referring to church and state, habeas corpus, same sex marriage, Guantanamo, etc. etc......

The one civil right unmentioned of course is the 2nd Amendment guarantee of our right to keep and bear arms. You would think that with the recent Heller decision there would at least be some mention of it. The closest they get to it is question number 4 which reads:

I believe that in times of national crisis the government should not be allowed to violate the Fourth Amendment protection against unwarranted searches and seizures, and that any search made of private property should only be permitted with a court-issued warrant and after giving prior notice

Upon first reading this I was thinking Katrina style gun grab, but I'm sure that's not the type of search and seizure they had in mind.

Not sure where I'm going with this honestly. I'd actually probably be a member of the ACLU if they'd pull their heads out of their posteriors on the 2A issue. I am a registered Independent for a reason afterall. That being said I've only voted for the Donkey party once for president.

I'd sortof like to use this opportunity (survey response) to let them know why I won't be joining. Page 4 of the survey is the standard membership form....:rolleyes:....

The only thing making me hesitate is the fact that I'm sure whatever letter I craft in response to this survey will likely go right into the circular file when it gets mailed back in.

I don't think any of the surveys are taken seriously (sadly), whether it's the ACLU or the NRA. I think it's more of a way for groups looking for donations to front their platform in a way that alludes to interactivity and personal importance more than the easy-to-tune-out "This is what we stand for." But whether or not they pay attention, I doubt 'non-believers' could sway the ACLU faithful by pointing out the errors of their ways. That organization is unabashedly partisan, hypocritical and self-contradicting in the way it involves itself, and it'll be a sunny day in Tartarus before I consider them worth more than the rude dismissal I'm affording here.
Agree with bclark1, these 'surveys' are not the reason the various groups, including the RNC, are sending out mailings. They want the suggested donations a h--- of a lot more than they want your opinion.
Oh, I'm well aware that Page 4, where they have a space to fill in your CC number is the most important for them. I was just in a particularly persnickety mood this evening and was PO'd as I was reading it. Felt like "taking a stand". As I said earlier though I imagine my well principaled letter would go nowhere.
Learned this from my mom

Return the survey, filled out or not, with a couple of wine corks sealed into the return envelope. They get charge the extra postage and you think they'ed get the message, but they won't.