ACLU against pending background check legislation in the Senate

I had heard, but not seen confirmation of this. Thanks for the link (which I just corrected, as it led to page 3).
Yeah, I'm pretty fond of this link. Already tweeting it- When @ACLU and the @NRA don't like a BG Check bill, it's time to write a better one.
Chris Calabrese is the ACLU's litigator for privacy issues. His concern is potential misuse of personal information.

It's not a striking about-face from them on the RKBA, but I'll take the help. Their opposition carries real weight in the legislature.
Without looking it up -busy - the NRA and ACLU have cooperated on similar issues in the past.

Just remember that the ex-PM of Australia is doing the talk show circuit saying that is good Australia doesn't have a BOR. That's a good thing as it keeps the courts from protecting civil rights according to that genius.
Just remember that the ex-PM of Australia is doing the talk show circuit saying that is good Australia doesn't have a BOR. That's a good thing as it keeps the courts from protecting civil rights according to that genius.
A bill of rights is but the first step in maintaining liberty. My recollection is that the former U.S.S.R. had some outstanding civil rights protections in their constitution --- which meant exactly nothing. What good is the right to vote if there is only one candidate? A bill of rights must be actively protected and advanced if it is to remain in effect.