Achtung, Heinrich! Prepare the camps!


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Maybe the conspiracy guys are right after all. The Demonization accelerates.

10/20/99- Updated 02:11 AM ET

FBI: Militias a threat at millennium
By Kevin Johnson, USA TODAY

WASHINGTON - With some extremists attaching apocalyptic significance to the new millennium, the FBI is quietly warning local police about possible threats posed by anti-government militias and hate organizations.
The campaign includes the national distribution of a report titled Project Megiddo in which federal authorities assess threats posed by hate groups and explain the significance of biblical references the groups use to discuss Y2K.

The project, which is named for an ancient battleground in Israel associated with Armageddon, will be the centerpiece of an FBI seminar this month before the International Association of Chiefs of Police in Charlotte, N.C.

Unlike the rest of the meeting, the seminar will be closed to the public, a sign of how sensitive the subject of militias has become.

One workshop is titled "Millennium, militias, and mayhem: what to expect in the coming year."

A senior government official said the 40-page report was meant to heighten awareness among local police departments to the possibility that militias might use the new millennium as an opportunity to initiate acts of violence or general disruption.
The FBI has urged police to be alert to changes in behavior of known militias and cult groups and to the possible stockpiling of weapons.

Anti-government groups, particularly the loose network of militias, drew considerable attention after the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, which killed 168 people.
Convicted terrorist Timothy McVeigh and his accomplice, Terry Nichols, shared the anti-government views of militia organizations, and Nichols attended militia meetings.
According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, the militia movement reached its peak in 1996, when there were 858 such organizations across the country. By last year, there were 435.

What concerns officials now, however, is the possibility that extreme members of militias might undertake missions of their own.
They cite as an example Buford Furrow, who belonged to a white supremacist group and is accused of killing a mail carrier and shooting six people at a Jewish community center in Los Angeles this summer.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
"I ask you, Sir, who are the militia? They are the whole people, with the exception of a few public servants."

IOW, Oatka, see ya on the other side of the barbed wire.

"Janet Reno is the fire that ignites my loins."
--Joe Cartoon
Perhaps we should hold a seminar on the threat of anti-militia forces in the government using alleged millenial plots as an excuse to abridge civil liberties. :)
Can you see the hypocracy? When it is a debate about the second amendment the government interprets the militia to be the National guard. But now that were talking about the true militias the government then takes a side step and compares the true militias to terrorist organizations.

It is somewhat funny but yet somewhat irratating at the same time to read "militias are anti-government" No $hi+, militias have always been anti government thats the whole reason they were created was to keep tyrannical forms of government in check. These liberals are just plain ignorant, not to mention stupid. This is just another attempt in demonizing militias and fellow patriots who will stand up for thier rights and the beleifs of the founding fathers.

As far a conspiracy nuts go, the media has conditioned you to beleive that anything hypothetical is crazy and should not be believed. Ever wonder how much of the info concerning our abusive government got out, fellow conspiracy theorist for their search for truth.
Was wondering when someone would post about this USA Today article. I vote that everytime any news media (TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine) prints an article like this, we put them on a list. We agree to never spend another dime on buying their rags, watching their shows/networks, etc. But we keep track of them, correlating and accounting for who the propaganda players really are. Expose them to our side, accounting for each and every one of their anti-Constitution, anti-gun, anti-freedom flap.

Now...back to the article. Every able bodied man between the ages of 17 and 45 here in America represent the standing militia. Can we conservatively say that that portion of our population represents about one quarter of the American population or about 67.5 million souls. Subtract the liberals, democrats, and those who don't care about freedom and let's say we have 30 million souls. That's alot of voters! That's alot of arrogance for USA Today to play with. It assumes total ignorance of the 240,000,000 others (more than half which are of legal age to vote).

Then we have the so-called "anti-government groups" which are nothing less than people within the population that are fed up with the current state of affairs in Washington, D.C., and who believe that our government as defined in the Constitution IS our "government". To say that they are a threat to the American way of life is to admit that we are already entrenched in Socialism, and have no way of backing out of it.

The facts are as follows. The leftists through their media pundits puke this leftist garble in an attempt to identify to the masses, just who "their" enemies are, not the enemy of the people. They, by doing so, actually admit that our Constitutional government is doomed. They admit that they arrogantly have our country in the bag. They are playing to the sheeple, in an attempt to win over the ignorant.

As many of you TFL members must be thinking, I too am angered by this sort of attack against our Constitutional based system. Placing "militias" in the same category as "hate groups", and "anti-government groups" in the same category as "Timothy McVeigh" is both insulting and enough to make me want to...puke myself.

Now I admit, I am not personally a member of any "organized militia", but should the time come, when our freedom is hanging by its last thread (or at the appropriate time), I will join my fellow countrymen between the ages of 17 and 45 to defend my freedom and end the tyranny which has destroyed our great nation, returning our government to its rightful place...based on our great Constitution (and nothing else).

Its ironic, because the definition of "anti-government" to me, is obvious today in our nations Capital. Those elected officials who blatantly violate their oaths to office, disgrace their constituents, and trounce upon the Constitution as if it were yesterday's newspaper, are the embodiment of the "anti-government movement". Anything that violates the Constitution is in my opinion "anti-government"! And today, you can literally count those in our government who abide by their oaths, and actually protect and defend our Constitution, on one hand.

Educating our nation's Chief's of Police to this alledged threat by militias and anti-government groups, basically corroberates the conspiratorial attempts to turn honest American (LEO's) against other honest Americans as the conspirators themselves plan ACT 2 (the millenium bug cometh). Attempting to insure their (the conspirators) success in the final wave of this Socialist insurrection.

Lock and load my friends.
I am a criminal because I own guns, I'm a wacko because I distrust the government, that distrusts us.

I'm not the type of person that sees Conspiracy in everything, but I am 100% sure that our government is up to something.

Time to get the Ar's warmed up.


General Dwight D. Eisenhower-- June 6,1944
I saw the article this morning and glad you put it as a topic. maybe this will wake up a few fence sitters who still support the FBI and the government party line. Everyday the government press attacks militias, prophecy Christians, tax protesters and other"anti government" groups. We patriots are to our "governmink" what the Jews and socialists were to the Nazis; people to be first demonized and then exterminated by the State. It would not surprise me if the government pulls a Reichstag incident and blames it on the people mentioned above! The FBI has no proof that any militia or any othere group is planning anything bad because of Y2k milenium. This report by the Incineration Boys(Waco) should be taken seriously because it shows the extent the Federales will go to demonize honest citizens who are concerned about the coarse taken by "our" government. who do you believe? Government Incinerators or honest ,concerned Americans? This will be a key question if the boys in the district of criminals decide to go for the whole enchilada.
Kimber, can I use something other than ar in the great american cookoff? Might want to cook porterhouse instead of t-bone.

It's not paranoia if they really are after you.

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited October 21, 1999).]
Now there's an interesting question I've posed to myself quite a few times. What, exactly, will I have at the ready if/when TSHTF? Do I go with the AR and the 40 & 30 rd. mags, or do I bring out the scoped HK91 and sacrifice capacity for accuracy and power? Granted, I'll have both near me, along with just about every other suitable firearm I own, but what will I have in hand? I guess it'll depend on the tactical threat at the time.

I dunno. Maybe it deserves it's own thread, maybe not. Maybe it doesn't even deserve consideration. Maybe I'm just a bit moribund on the state of affairs in our great nation. Dabble that with a little paranoia, and things like that just spew forth from my mind.
Interestingly, the FBI has issued a "clarifying" statement, which you can find at

They claim that they aren't attacking most militia groups, but only certain extremist splinter factions. Mind you, I'd be a bit happier if they didn't insist on closing their meeting to the public; When ARE they going to figure out that such secrecy only breeds mistrust?

Sic semper tyranus!
Throughout the history of mankind, there have been victims and survivors. It is imperative that we stay informed and use the God-given instincts that are at our disposal. We know that eventually, there will be a global confederation. While I enjoy hunting,guns and the piece of mind that I can protect my family, I have my Faith in something eternal. Folks, this started in the Garden of Eden and it will continue until God puts an end to it. The crucial factor is to know that you know whre you would pend eternity if another purge ocuurred tonight. The good news is through Christ we have overcome the powers and principalities of the world, the bad news is, we haven't seen anything yet. Waco is Sesame Street compared to what is coming. I'm sorry for the sermon but I wrestled with this for many years and I would be remiss if I did not share it. Bottom line: your instincts will not fail you.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
Interesting that they would name it "Project Megiddo." That's a place oft mentioned in the Bible, especially during the times when Israel was getting itself established in the land God had promised them. It's first mentioned when Joshua captures the kings of the land, and executes them one by one (others more versed in Scripture than I can verify or argue the point).

Don't know if the fellow who named the op was aware of it or not, nor if it has any intended significance.

Literally, the name means "Place of crowds."

Operation Crowd Control?

One of those things that make you go "hmmmmmmm..."

Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
It's a cheap shot, I know, but the second sentence of the FBI's clarification: "For several years, the FBI has had a program of reaching out to militias and their members . . . ", brought to mind "Yeah, head shots at 200 yds."

Here's the same USA event as reported by Reuters -- a less inflamatory interpretation,
needing no "clarification":

Interesting bit on the meaning of "Megiddo".

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.