Accuracy suggestions - 700 Mountain LSS


Hi all, this is my first post here. I have a Rem 700 LSS Mountain Rifle in 7-08. I love the look and feel of the rifle but the thing has never shot well. I spent a few summers working up loads (no easy task with a barrel that heats up after 3 shots) and the best I could do was a little under 3 inches at 100 yds with 120 grain Ballistic Tips. Anything in 140gr was all over the page. I had it glass bedded, the barrel floated, the crown cut, and trigger job. I bought Warne rings and bases and swapped out the scope for a Leupold from another rifle that has performed well in the past. All of that brought my 120 grain load down to about 1.5" group but the best I can do with 140's is still over 2". I understand that this is a light barreled rifle and don't expect cloverleafs at 100 yds. The 1.5" groups are passable for a Pennsylvania woods rifle, but I'd really like to shoot a 140 partition or accubond and would like to get a little better performance than 2"+ groups. Any suggestions short of sending it off for a new barrel and having the action blueprinted? I'm not sure I'm willing to go to that extreme for a woods rifle. Thanks for any input. Love the forum. - John
I've owned 3 of the mountain rifles over the years. I liked them, just not well enough to keep them. But accuracy for 3 shots was never an issue. All of them would put 3 into nice groups of around 1", often much less than 1". Going to 5 shot groups resulted in 2"+ groups so that barrel weight is certainly capable.

Many of the thinner barrels shoot better with some pressure on the barrel at the tip of the stock. Almost all heavier barrels shoot better floated, or at least no worse. Adding a pressure point at the tip of the stock might help here.

Or the problem could just be a barrel that is sub-par.
Thanks. Next time at the range I'll take some business cards and experiment with some upward pressure on the barrel.

Has anybody had any success with the Tubbs bore lapping system?