Accuracy: M1 carbine


New member
I know I'll probably regret asking this but:

Just how accurate do you find a typical USGI M1 carbine to be? I understand that this is not a match-grade rifle, and it has combat accuracy as its goal. But I was thinking today at the range, about just how good it could be.

I set up two targets at 100 yards. They were NRA 50 yard pistol targets. I took one shot at each with my Inland '43, M2 stock, late sights, bayo lug barrel band. Sitting, elbows on the table, no rest for the rifle, I took careful aim and I ten-ringed both targets, once shot at each. Not perfectly centered in the ten but still, ten-ringed both. I then took one shot a second and got all within the 7 or better on one of the targets. I am not a world-class shot obviously but this little rifle certainly is capable of some fairly good accuracy

How accurate do you guys find your USGI M1 carbines to be, and at what range?
I have shot groups under 4" at 100yds, and IIRC that was the requirement for both the M1 rifle and the M1 carbine, though the former will usually do better.

Your mileage may vary.

Carbine accuracy has a great deal to do with the ammo. Milsurp, of course, isn't made for great accuracy. Working up a handload with 110 grain bullets can give excellent accuracy though. Mine likes IMR4227 with Speer 110 grain HP's.
Milling 5 thou off either side of the front sight helps a bit too.
I'd be curious what the guys shooting the 200 yard CMP Carbine matches are using. Only mild curiosity though. Carbines are evil up here.
At 200 yds I've gotten 6" 'groups', none more than 3 or 4 rounds, though. It still hits a large paint bucket at 400 yards, but I can't do it every time. This is from an Underwood 1944 or a Postal Meter 1943. I think it's a pretty good weapon for 'short range' use. Beyond 300 or 400 yards, it would be more sporting than effective.
I'm sorry, that was 5 shots at 100yds. I was surprised the ammo shoots as well as it does, my reloads don't do any better but my eyesight is really the limiting factor.
T. O'Heir:

Are carbines considered evil up there, as AK clones are in the US?

If they have such an opinion, you might tell them that cars which hit people or other cars should also be considered evil.
I once had a Plainfield version, with the wire stock, that shot consistent minute of milk jug at 100 yards.
Shoulda' kept it.
But my reloads for it weren't very good, for some reason.
And it got too expensive to shoot, once all the surplus ammo ceased to be dirt cheap.
i always thought of the carbine as the perfect peakaboo gun. with muzzle jump = to 22LR, my kids like to put a empty milk carton (plastic) to the range backstop (100yds). you loose your turn when the carton stops moving. loads of fun!

My CMP Inland M1 Carbine will put 15 rounds into a grapefruit sized group at 100 yards, standing offhand, without trying hard.
"...Are carbines considered evil up there..." Hi. Any semi-auto, centrefire with a barrel length less than 18.5" is restricted just like a handgun(some rifles are restricted because they're too scary looking. AR-15's for one.) Carbines have been restricted since 1 Jan., 1978.
However, if you can find a longer than 18.5" barrel(IJ made some 19" barrels around 1979. Nobody makes 'em now.) and have it installed the Carbine stops being evil. Converting one to a straight pull, bolt action or pump action makes 'em ok too. The mag has to be pinned to 5 though.
" might tell them..." Government's have been told that and more since 1977. They didn't listen then and they don't listen now.
As an FYI, the M1 carbine is considered 'evil' in some places in the USA too. Not just by state, either

I lived in Boston for ten years. I couldn't legally posses an M1 carbine there. I have moved
5 shots into 3 or 4 inches at 100 yards with decent ammo off the bench . Reoads with Win 296 & Rem 110 SP consistently stay inside 3 inches in my Inlands.