Access forbidden to ATF's web site?


New member
I was rooting around for the import criteria for pistols and decided to get it straight from the horse's a**, er that is "mouth" at BATF's web site. Well, I could get as far as the Treasury Dept's listing of bureaus, but when I try the hyperlink to ATF's web site, I get:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Forbidden

Your client is not allowed to access the requested object. [/quote]

I even get this message when trying to access their mission statement. Is their mission statement some sort of secret? What the hell, can anyone else access these sites or am I being blocked for some reason?

I always thought these jokers were supposed to do a fair job of information dissemination so we can avoid the SQAT teams.

I offer neither pay nor quarters nor provisions; I offer hunger, thirst, forced marches, battles and death. Let him who loves his country in his heart, and not his lips only, follow me.
-Giuseppe Garabaldi
Hmmmmm.... I got the same thing.

If I were the ATF, I wouldn't want me surfing around on there either. The site's probably just down or moving... but it's a lot more fun to panic. I vote that we call it a conspiracy! :)
A lot of government sites were hacked a couple of weeks ago. Some group of hackers is taking on the government including DOD and the FBI. It was on the news. (for whatever that's worth)

Anyway, all the Army systems are changing security procedures. Probably other government agencies as well.
I think it is either a hack job or bad html/java programming because I could get to the Mission statement and other areas that were "forbidden" by way of the site map. Then all of a sudden I could get there directly. ???
HS's site might prove to yield some bennie boys but I don't know if the are allowed under the communist structure anymore.
Why not try Seems to work from here "down is the Arkansas Louisiana Mississippi area where things much don't work"

You know, if you log on to their site the can see all of the firearms you own or in some cases thinking about owning!

Good Shooting, Hank

[This message has been edited by HankL (edited August 02, 1999).]
usually a 403 forbidden error is due to someone on the server end screwing up something, like making a html file non-readable.

if they didn't want you to have info, they prolly just wouldn't set up a website, rather than set one up that says "forbidden" :)

now that mail-order bride URL, that's another story :)
(long time lurker, 1st time poster, woohoo :) )
Fellas, I'm a webmaster, and here's how I understand it ....

The message has nothing to do with you being "Forbidden" access ... it has everything to do with a cock-up at the ATF's end.

To quote from AOL:

This standard error message is generated by Web servers when you try to access a file that has not been correctly configured by whomever maintains it. (The file needs to be set with "read permissions" for all users.) All that probably means is that you can't view the page because whomever maintains the site set it up incorrectly.

Sleep easy ............ for now :)

I've also seen it where a site will change servers on you and thats the error message that pops up. Just recently had that happen to me from another site I go to. They switched servers and that same 'forbidden' error popped up on their previous server........
This could also be a firewall issue if your browesing from work...

i get that all the time...
the trick is to hack into... Ah... never mind...
Bruce, Is this the correct scenario? Somebodys page has an out of date hyperlink to a certain page, you try to use it after the forwarding information about the page is no longer up and the old url is being used for something in the works. You get an error message correct?
Like I told um a few post up is the up and not forbidden site of your friendly and informative BATF.

There is enough in the pot as it is

[This message has been edited by HankL (edited August 03, 1999).]

Yes, if I've read your post correctly. I run a website that, inter alia directs schoolkids to external pages for comprehension/science/history exercises. It's a constant problem for us.

Maybe I just have the right cyberKnXns... I didn't have any trouble accessing the site nor navigating about in it. Here's a sample:

Firearms programs
ATF recognizes the role that firearms play in violent crimes and pursues an integrated regulatory and enforcement strategy. Investigative priorities focus on armed violent offenders and career criminals, narcotics traffickers, narco-terrorists, violent gangs, and domestic and intenational arms traffickers.
Sections 924(c) and (e) of Title 18 of the United States Code provide mandatory and enhanced sentencing guidelines for armed career criminals and narcotics traffickers as well as other dangerous armed criminals. ATF uses these statutes to target, investigate and recommend prosecution of these offenders to reduce the level of violent crime and to enhance public safety. ATF also strives to increase State and local awareness of available Federal prosecution under these statutes.

To curb the illegal use of firearms and enforce the Federal firearms laws, ATF issues firearms licenses and conducts firearms licensee qualification and compliance inspections.

In addition to aiding the enforcement of Federal requirements for gun purchases, compliance inspections of existing licensees focus on assisting law enforcement to identify and apprehend criminals who illegally purchase firearms. The inspections also help improve the likelihood that crime gun traces will be successful, since inspectors educate licensees in proper record keeping and business practices. Compliance inspections target licensees likely to divert firearms from legitimate trade to criminal use and dealers with a history of poor compliance.

"If you really want to know what's going on;
then, you have to follow the money trail."
I got through and lurked around a bit. I came away feeling very, very sad. Since 1968 we, as gun owners, have slid down a long ugly slope of demeaning regulations and laws.

When I was a kid, we could buy just about anything anywhere. Nearly everyone had some proficiency with some kind of guns. People known as "good shots" were respected.

Look where we are now. Gun nuts. Terrorists. Crazy people not to be trusted - especially around children.

The FBI keeps a database of us when we buy a gun because we are potentially dangerous irrational people.

Yeah, things are going just great.... :(