Acapulco Heat, VIP, and other such trash


New member
Has anyone ever seen these shows? Crap like this shouldnt even be allowed on TV. Every actor with a weapon ALWAYS has their finger on the trigger, no matter what the situation.
Killing shots are made from extreme ranges with eyes closed, head turned the other direction, shooting upside down, in mid-air, "gangsta" style, etc. They take out choppers, tanks, and cars with pistols! Anyone ever notice the low pressure gasoline explosions produced by land mines, hand granades, etc? Or the way the actors all wear bikinis and speedos into combat? They NEVER, EVER reload, and the sound effects are all wrong. Every weapon makes clicking sounds when it it is picked up, like theres a bunch of loose parts rattling around. One of the actors levels a side by side 12 gauge, and we hear the noise of a pump action cycling. In one scene, an AK is fired into a concrete wall from a distance of five feet. the other actors come along later and extract the round from the wall. The bullet is still in perfect shape and the actors are able to ascertain that its a "7.62 communist" round. Sorry for the rant, but I had to get that off my chest. I have a pet peeve with shows like this.

[This message has been edited by RPM (edited August 09, 1999).]

Does the fact that Pamela Anderson is the star,producer and sometime director of VIP tell ya something?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

I've watched VIP on 2 occasions, and don't remember any guns at all!! There were guns there? Are you sure? Maybe we were just watching different parts of the screen...


A thought just occurred to me...

Fewer and fewer folks have firearm experience and we are in a rabid gun control era, so....

I wonder if the inaccurate portrayal of firearms is intentional, designed to scare folks even more and engender more support for gun control. They will believe that a shot from a handgun will always make a vehicle explode

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I would like to state that I have no objection to Pamela Anderson and her guns at all. The action sound when she pulls them out just adds to the effect. You guys just don't respect quality television. :)
RPM/DC: I don't think things have changed much on TV. I can remember my Dad getting "spun up" watching Hawaii Five O back in the late 60's whenever the hero (Steve McGrath?? know, the guy with all the hair held down with a tube of Brylcream) would pop some gomer at a minimum of 50 to 100 yards with a 2" bbl Chiefs Special. He and I would howl over that in particular, along with bottomless magazines/cylinders, etc.
There was once a great episode of Miami Vice in which Crockett just missed catching the bad guy before the BG boarded a waiting helicoptor, and ended up emptying his Bren Ten into it as it departed. It was clearly a hopeless stunt, and you could see how unlikely it would be that anything would come of it. Yet... the pitch of the engine changed, and the pilot tryed to autorotate and... Big explosion, a couple of hundred yards away. Actually pretty possible, when you think of what can happen with eleven 180 g .40 caliber slugs at about 1250 fps fired at the jet engine of a 4-seater 'copter.

Closest shot was probably 20 yards, longest about 100 yds... Don't remember another thing about the episode, but ole' Don Johnson had a nice Weaver stance. Understand he actually did pretty well when his producers sent him to Gunsite.
VIP just isn't the same now that Pam traded in her 44's for 9's. Although it did reduce muzzle flip :)

Sorry, couldn't resist. Hope none of the ladies on TFL frag me for that.


[This message has been edited by DrJon (edited August 10, 1999).]
Jon, LOL.

As for Hawaii 50, sure, the show was a bit cheesy, but watching it now in syndication is a riot. Steve is DA MAN. Who else can be kidnapped, drugged, tortured, brainwashed by his arch-nemesis Wo Fat, and fall from a truck in the middle of Shanghai only to still have his hair looking good. And you thought the gunplay was the only thing "Hollywood" about the show?

Book 'em Dano


Detroit Area Chapter
Terra-Haute Torque & Recoil Scoiety
While channel surfing one day, I accidentally came across VIP as some diminutive female character was running (jiggling actually) around with twin chromed Desert Eagles in opposing shoulder holsters. I couldn't help laughing at this magnum "wonder bra".
Although I think VIP is ridiculous, in Pam's defense there is exactly ONE awesome shootout in the middle of her otherwise forgettable "Barb Wire".

Pam disguises herself as a hooker (big stretch) and gets into a guy's apartment. She then proceeds to knock the guy out and blow a hole in the wall with some explosives to get to the guy she's trying to catch. A rather memorable gunbattle ensues in spite of the three Desert Eagles present. The H&K MP-5 and Pam's leather outfit makes up for it handily. Actually, it looked like they hired a different director to shoot the one scene as the camera work in the remainder of the movie sucks.

For the record, Pam went from a 34D to a 34C, so it wasn't that catastrophic.

- Anthony
Hee hee...

He knows the particulars of her reduction

(gigglin like hell over here)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I know it's annoying, but any corrrelation between television and reality is purely coincidental. We must keep this constantly in mind, particularly with an election year comming up.
You know it has become a precept that any knowing pistolero would never put his trigger finger inside the trigger guard,until ready to fire, right?
Last night I was surfing and saw a guy with a two-hand grip and BOTH of his index fingers inside the guard.
Not anticipating this thread, I failed to get the particulars.

Better days to be,

Damn, with shows like Acapulco Heat and VIP, who cares about the guns much less the story?! I dunno know about the rest of you, but the ONLY reason i watch those shows is for them beatiful bountiful bouncing breasts! WHOOO HOOOOOOOO :)