Academy Sporting Goods Tactical Weapons restriction


New member
While shopping in an Academy Sporting Goods, I noticed that all the AR-15s, Mini-14s, synthetic stocked 10/22s, and shotguns and "sniper" rifles with black stocks had a tag that said "21 AND OLDER ONLY".

I asked the gun sales clerk why the guns had been restricted (was it state law or store policy?) and he answered that he wasn't sure. I then spoke to his manager, who told me that they could not sell "Tactical" and "Military" firearms to those 21 and younger. :barf:

Does anyone know anything more about this? I haven't heard of anything being passed in the Louisiana senate restricting rifle sales.
Most likely a store thing, although I guess it is possible it might be a parish-based thing as well (kinda doubt it the way louisiana is about guns, but you never know).

Ive seen a few stores who make restrictions like that, but its usually when management doesnt fully understand the product and are scared of getting in trouble for anything that looks at all similar.
Remember. You can go to war and die for your country... But you aint a people until your 21.... And 25 if you want a rental car.:D