Absolutely not in Cali?

I'm just an average joe citizen in california, is it legal for me to purchase/import/modify into or in some other way fanangle myself a full auto gun? I know i'm asking to get made fun of but I'd like to get a .22 machine pistol, possibly AC-10 style. can this be done?
Absolutely not in Cali, unless you're LE. So no. Sorry. Besides, a fullauto doesn't do you much good when >10Rd magazines are still illegal.
Your best option would be to buy or rent a some sort of location where your firearms could be safely stored in Nevada, form a Nevada corporation or LLC, and purchase your F/A weapons as corporate assets in Nevada. You won't be able to take them into CA; you'll only be able to use and shoot them in Nevada without getting an approved form 5320.20 to move them interstate (and the 5320.20 won't be approved by BATFE unless they're legal at the destination).

As far as .22 machine pistols, your options are fairly limited. There are a few registered f/a Trejo's and Ruger MKII's, but be prepared to spend big bucks due to the rarity (like $10k-20k or more). Other more common (and slightly less expensive) options for .22 which can be cut down to pistol size are full auto Ruger 10-22's (about $8k), M16s with a .22 conversion ($10k+), AM180s ($9-10k), or possibly an M11 with a .22 conversion (about $3k)
I'm 17 and pretty sure i'm going into LEO. As an LE in CA, what are you allowed to own as far as class III"s go. Is it limited to semi AR's (which are legal in practically every other state). HOw about hi-caps for handguns and rifles? How about suppressors and vertical foregrips?

Thanks guys!

Being a LEO provides you with no special benefits to own NFA weapons. You're still just like any other non-LEO citizen with respect to NFA weapons. The department for which you work can own post-86 machineguns and suppressors and you may be able to use them in your official capicity, but the department owns them, not the individual officer.

What's better for concealed carry? A revolver that won't jam or a pistol that doesn't have a big cylinder to hide?
There are all sorts of 22lr conversions available for macs, Thompsons, uzi's, M16's, and the other popular full autos. I even read about a conversion kit that was made for the Beretta 93R, of which there are less than 40 in the country. You can also get a full auto trigger group for a 10/22 for about 6 grand. But since you live in Kalifornia, my only idea is that it might be legal to have a .22 gatling gun. The gatling system is not classified as full auto, but Kalifornia laws are krazy.