About to join GOA. . . . questions.


New member
Been reading their site so long, and believe in the same things - it's a crime I've waited this long.

Just want to double-check - they're legit, right? What do they use the money for? Do they have the NRA's political structure? Do they act as a notification/rallying point for grassroots RKBA, or do they have access to politicians?

BTW - when I join I will pay with my NRA credit card :)

They're legit. Ron Paul loves them, as opposed to damn near every other politicritter.

They use the money for the same stuff as NRA, except for the never-ending stream of beg letters and ain't-we-cool puffery. They do send out fund-raisers, but not as often or as blatant. Larry Pratt doesn't do the plaintive "What have we done to drive you away?" whine like NRA.

GOA offers fax/email alerts to everyone, not just members.

Finally, if you change your long distance to Lifeline, they'll donate 10% of your bill to GOA.

(BTW, I'm a GOA member. Couldn't tell, couldja? ;))
The GOA makes the NRA look like schoolgirls when it comes to organization and their no-compromise position, and I do mean no-cpmpromise.

GOA is top notch. I'll say it again, anyone who is NRA should also join GOA.

The GOA wll be our only future salvation, IMHO.


NRA? Good. Now joing the GOA!
Done - the NRA was getting too warm and fuzzy for me anyway :)

Payed with NRA credit card, so they'll be happy I joined :)

To anyone else, read their page www.gunowners.org . From what I've read so far, they seem hard-core second amendment.

Noticed that the fee isn’t tax deductible so they can lobby in Washington Legally. Not like the m and m and m’s.

Sending mine today.
Coinneach -

How's lifeline's service/quality? I've still got AT&T, and I keep forgetting to look into Lifeline.
I agree with the above sentiments. An NRA membership is 'meets minimum standards' level, GOA and JPFO are True Believer credentials. Larry Pratt at GOA works very hard for us.

NRA Life, GOA Life, JPFO
Actually, I've been reading their site RELIGIOUSLY and saw Larry Pratt on an A&E special that actually seemed biased in OUR direction!! (Probably seemed that was becasue they let Larry Pratt speak).

I guess I've just stopped freeloading.


[This message has been edited by Battler (edited May 16, 2000).]
Ok, I've waited too long to get behind GOA, I've sent small money in occationally but never joined.

Watching all those Mommies this weekend, upt the anti! I never saw so many blind eyed, closed minded, brains of mush sticking there heads under a wet banket pretending they can make all the bad just go away, by wishing it so! Kissing and hugging each other when it was over.....they felt so good about themselves.......I wanted to puke on them.

But I have pitty on them, there little hearts are all in the right place, we want the same things really, its just their heads are so far up there asses they will never knew what kicked them when reality hits them!

You ask these people if they ever read a history book and all they can say is yea I read about it every day our kids are dieing enough already no more guns.......duh excuse me thats a newpaper or more like a TV.....not a history book!!!! Break one open before you give you all your rights to be a free human being away! "oh thats stupid, its not the 1,800's"......Ok, it's your freedom......but I'm not giving mine away, you will have to take mine!

Guns dont raise criminals......mommies do!
Good for you! The GOA is a truly stellar organization -- I get a lot of good and timely info from their alerts.

As I posted on the "buy a small gun now" thread, I wonder about those people who (usually the ones with twenty pre-ban rifles and won't shell out the $35 for an NRA membership) at the first sign of anti-gun legislation they go out and buy another GUN.

What use is buying more guns when (at the rate we're going) they're going to come and take them away from us? Wouldn't that money be better used in our fight to retain our right to arms?

I joined the GOA as a life member in a fit of anger after the stupid Clinton EO came down in 1998 banning importation of "modified assault rifles" (e.g., any semi-auto rifle that could accept a detachable magazine of over 10 rounds). I don't do many smart things when I'm angry but that was one of the best decisions I've ever made.


Justin T. Huang, Esq.
late of Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
Brand new Kimber on friday... GOA membership today... The wallet is lighter now, but my conscience feels better...

Okay, who else will join the GOA?

Come on, who's next?


NRA? Good. Now joing the GOA!
Jeff (CA), I've been with Lifeline for over a year and have had zero problems with them. Their CSRs are polite and knowledgable, and have no problems with gun-toting wackos. :)