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i think it will be just a matter of time fellas,,,,check this out

State Department Floating Ammo Import Ban
Published: 02/19/2009 Author: -submitted by: Larry Bailey
Posted On: February 19, 2009 at 6:31 PM By: Kathy
State Department Floating Ammo Import Ban
It looks like those who said the Obama Administration would strike while the iron is hot may have been correct, and the Administration may be doing it in a way that does not require them to even get a vote in Congress. In this morning's edition of the Shooting Wire, Jim Shepherd writes that Canadian officials have it on "good authority" our State Department may be on the verge of cutting off all imports of certain calibers of ammunition.

Ammos listed for this rumored ban include the .50BMG, 7.62x39mm Soviet, 7.62x51mm NATO, .308 Winchester , 5.56 NATO and .223 Remington. Additionally, we're hearing that an expansion of this proposed ban might be broadened to include the 6.8mm SPC, 9mm Parabellum, .40 S&W, and ..45 ACP- among others.

In other words, State Department officials may be floating a trial balloon to see if there are howls of protest, or whimpers of compliance. Canadian elected officials who have directed this information to me say the move seems to be motivated by "emboldened" anti-gun officials who think they have a kindred spirit in President Obama.

Shepherd continues that there may also be a plan to ban exports on certain firearms to Canada from the US, resulting in the State Department hammering gun manufacturers, distributors and exporters in the United States while simultaneously making firearms -and ammunition - ownership and acquisition more difficult for Canadians.

Many in the pro-rights community have said since the election that Obama could circumvent Congress by using regulations in his various cabinet departments to attack gun owners. It appears that it may have already begun.

Importing ammo is a double edged sword.

Face it people, the days of cheap bulk ammo from outside the US are coming to a close. For several reasons. One reason is the anti-gun movement, both in the US, and in the UN. Another reason is simple economics.

For several years now, factions in the UN have been working hard to "reduce the worldwide traffic in small arms". And that includes ammo. Nations that used to sell their old surpluses on the open market (and means to us, as we are the largest non-govermental consumers), are not do that anymore. The are destroying the ammo, and getting brownie points (and some concessions) from the UN for doing so. So all you guys who bought Soviet caliber guns because the ammo was dirt cheap, get ready for sitcker shock. It has already started.

Ammo makers in former communist countries had been selling to us, again, because we are the worlds biggest comsumers. But the economic situation might be leading to import restictions, and tariffs, as a means of reducing the loss of US dollars to overseas nations.

And of course, the anti gun people are more than happy any time they can do, or influence anything that makes our hobby more expensive, and more difficult to enjoy.

The administration can do huge amounts of things without the need for Congressional approval. Import restictions is just one of them. Anybody remember when the first Bush banned import of "semiautomatic assault rifles" by executive order? I do.
There was an article referencing this on Shooting Wire as well ...

No Valentine Coming From the North

Despite the fact that tomorrow's supposed to be the day to show love and affection, it looks like Canadian firearms enthusiasts aren't much in love with parts of the government right now.

The reason? A report making the rounds in Canada that says officials have it on "good authority" that our State Department may be on the verge of cutting off all imports of certain calibers of ammunition.

Ammos listed for this rumored ban include the .50BMG, 7.62x39mm Soviet, 7.62x51mm NATO, .308 Winchester, 5.56 NATO and .223 Remington. Additionally, we're hearing that an expansion of this proposed ban might be broadened to include the 6.8mm SPC, 9mm Parabellum, .40 S&W, and .45 ACP- among others.

In other words, State Department officials may be floating a trial balloon to see if there are howls of protest, or whimpers of compliance. Canadian elected officials who have directed this information to me say the move seems to be motivated by "emboldened" anti-gun officials who think they have a kindred spirit in President Obama.

Additionally, Canadian officials tell me they are hearing rumblings of blanket export bans on certain firearms to Canada and the attachment of DSP-83 End Use Certificates (with their $250 Export Fee) attached to all other types of American firearms.

Should that happen, opposition leaders remind Canadian firearms owners, it will not affect European Union imports. Firearms and ammo exported from Europe would be unaffected- and certainly at far more appealing prices than comparable U-S firearms. In effect, the State Department would be hammering gun manufacturers, distributors and exporters in the United States while simultaneously making firearms -and ammunition - ownership and acquisition more difficult for Canadians. To antigun politicians, this must smell like roses. To pro-gun politicians in Canada, it smells fishy, and they're trying to drum up awareness on both sides of the border because it is "still being fought and the battle isn't over yet."

But it looks like an indirect campaign against firearms and ammo may have already begun.

You read it first here - and we'll keep you posted.

Meanwhile, back in the contiguous 48, four states are considering removing their bans on open-carry firearms. Texas, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Arkansas are each considering legislation that would remove the ban on open-carry handguns.

Surprisingly, open carry is legal in all but six states, including those where concealed carry is not. The other states that ban open carry are New York and Florida.

As expected, Paul Helmke of the Brady Center has offered his opinion on why any carry is a bad idea. "…the more guns you have in a situation," Helmke says in USA Today, "the more likely you are to have gun violence."

Nice quote, despite the fact that facts prove exactly the opposite.

These four states didn't suddenly decide to abolish their rules against open carry. In one case, Texas legislators were motivated by a groundswell of public opinion. 55,000 signatures on a petition and $25,000 in contributions for an ad campaign helped open eyes in Austin. South Carolina has a measure supported by thirty-seven legislators, while only Representative Mike Ritze (Rep.) is listed on the Oklahoma bill filed earlier this month.

No matter which side of the border you're watching, we'll keep you posted.

--Jim Shepherd
The Jim Shepherd article from Shooting Wire is the same source that the original poster's information used and the earlier post in this forum used as well. So far, it looks like that the one offhand comment in that article is the sole source for this speculation.

It wouldn't necessarily shock me to see the administration try this; but so far it looks like the evidence they plan to do that is thin.
Last time I looked. BATFE controlled ammunition imports, not DOS.
DOS controls exports under ITAR, not import to the USA.
I got this Email from a buddy of mine this morning.

This seems even more serious if true and once again brings up that micro stamping issue.

Ammunition Accountability Legislation

Remember how Obama said that he wasn't going to take your guns? Well, it
seems that his allies in the anti-gun world have no problem with taking your

The bill that is being pushed in 18 states (including Illinois and
Indiana) requires all ammunition to be encoded by the manufacture a data
base of all ammunition sales. So they will know how much you buy and what
Nobody can sell any ammunition after June 30, 2009 unless the ammunition
is coded.

Any privately held uncoded ammunition must be destroyed by July 1, 2011.
(Including hand loaded ammo.) They will also charge a .05 cent tax on every
round so every box of ammo you buy will go up at least $2.50 or more!

If they can deprive you of ammo they do not need to take your gun!

This legislation is currently pending in 18 states: Alabama, Arizona,
California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland,
Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,
South Carolina, Tennessee, and Washington.

Send to your friends in these states AND fight to dissolve this BILL!!

To find more about the anti-gun group that is sponsoring this legislation
and the specific legislation for each state, go to:

yeah, like i would get rid of my ammo , not of my own free will!! Whatever!> I want some of what they are smoking. If they ban 223. Ill just buy some other 22 centerfiire caliber and warm up the bullet puller for components, I got lots and lots of brass. Government sucks. If i lived in Canada, england, Britain, or any where else, i would be n prison most likely