ABC: Public Doubts Gun Curbs Work


New member

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>From a ban on assault weapons to mandatory handgun registration, large majorities of Americans support a wide range of gun-control measures. But it’s relatively low on their priority list, and precious few choose a candidate based on the issue.
One key reason: Broad doubt it’ll work. An ABCNEWS/Washington Post poll finds that nearly half the public thinks gun control wouldn’t do anything to at all reduce violent crime in this country, and just three in 10 think it would reduce violence substantially.[/quote]
Did ya'll happen to notice the reasons listed for owning a gun? It would seem to me that while hunting is the highest, and constitutionality is only 4%, those of us who are purchasing firearms need to start putting constitutional rights above the others. I remember the first I had to fill that portion out and since then ive checked em all, but I think in the future Ill write in constitutional right, if I have too. I forget which one of us posted "about coming from behind and wondering when the anti's started", apparently they've been at this a long time, and use every little thing they can to score with. We need to start doing the same thing, if were not. How many of us even think about that block on the purchasing form,(that durn yellow form)...fubsy.
Does anyone believe this pole? I sure don't. Just ask yourself... if the majority don't think gun control will work, then would they really support it? Why would anyone support something they think will not work? Sorry I just don't believe it.

Another question, they claim that 13% of those for gun control wrote their congress critter, while 19% opposed wrote. Yet what I heard out of congress was that they were getting between 300 to 500 to one against gun control as for.... (this was from my congressman) Sorry but the numbers don't match with reality.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
Bookie, IMHO the people that support control, but don't think it will work are the ones who feel that they have to support it. The media gives the impression that if your not supportive of some form of gun control, your either a racist or part of a out of control dangerous militia.
Notice how they kept coming up with all those anti-gun percentages and then followed it with something like "but the people don't put it as a high priority, etc.". Seems to me it was a subliminal way of pushing those
bogus percentages as fact.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
Bookie- No, I don't believe it either. ABC has become the most radically ant-gun of all the networks, IMHO, and they will pull any stunt they can think of to keep the current gun control push on a roll. Pollsters can give their client any result he wants. They pick the areas they know will give them the results they want, and then they ask leading questions just to make sure. Maybe I just live in the right part of the country, but EVERYBODY I know or talk to is against gun control. Even women who don't own a gun, and men who don't hunt or shoot still are against it. And they ALL believe the constitution guarantees the RKBA. These pollsters must make all their calls to NY and MA.