"ABC now airing "Gun Violence In America"

I should have taped it as soon as I saw it, but......
So forgive me for so many missing details.

Anyone know Nina Butts ( no kidding)? She is supposed to be with "Texans Against Gun Violence". She was spouting some drivel that she doesnt want to see the law abiding citizens ordred to give up their guns or our homes invaded to have our guns removed. But she went on to say later that we cannot be trusted, we are rigid, and uncompromising.

Our only saving grace was Bob (didnt catch the last name) who was a gun show promoter in Texas and he basically got in a few words of what was surely a much larger dialog before it got hacked into something ABC wanted to air. Thank you Bob.

Anyone ever et that form letter together? How about that list of CNN affiliates?

<stepping off my short box>

Laws that forbid the carrying of arms... disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.
--- Jefferson's "Commonplace Book," 1774-1776, quoting from On Crimes and Punishment, by criminologist Cesare Beccaria, 1764
Here's an email I sent to the guys at Nightline: Do I expect them to listen? NO, but I feel better for having said it.

"In the wake of yesterday's shooting in Fort Worth, many people are going to be calling for more gun control, but I wonder: What purpose will it serve? It isn't the gun's fault those people were killed, it's Mr. Ashebrook's. But, we are blaming the guns, rather than the man. We consistently take responsibility AWAY from the perpetrators of crime, and blame a simple tool instead.

I have to ask, if there had been a citizen carrying a lawfully concealed handgun in that church, would the madness have gotten as far as it did? It wouldn't have if I'd been there. (I lawfully carry a concealed handgun). BTW, it IS lawful to carry concealed in a church building, provided there is no lawfully posted sign to the contrary.

Had there been a TOTAL ban on ALL guns, Mr. Ashebrook would have found another method with which to commit his carnage (remember, he DID have a pipe bomb: Shall we also ban sales of pipes because of this?). Men bent on crime will ALWAYS find a way to commit crime. This is the nature of the world we live in, unfortunately, and always has been.

More gun control laws will NOT prevent criminals from getting weapons. On the contrary, it will only serve to keep firearms out of the hands of law-abiding citizens, who might actually have a chance to save some lives in a case like this (or perhaps even prevent a situation like this all together)!

Criminals by definition BREAK THE LAW. If guns are banned, the bad guys will get them off the street, as many already do. Want to keep guns off the street? Banning guns is NOT the answer: This would simply serve to create a illicit black market, with even more thugs! (Think back to Prohibition days and the current "war" on drugs).

Do I actually expect anyone to listen to me, or others who think like me? Unfortunately not. The people who propose banning of weapons, (or even simply stricter gun laws), are closed minded individuals who have already made up their minds- reason and logic are irrelevant to them. "


"First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin, then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shalt be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch
towards thou foe, who being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it."
The Book of Armaments CH 2, vs.9-21
I also sent an email:

I didn't hear any complaints from Clinton or Reno when federal agents killed 80 people at a church outside Waco.
I doubt any email will be read...

Heck - it is hard enough getting a response from the NRA - and they are on OUR SIDE!

Guys - dont fret about these programs they are airing. (Ironic they are called"PROGRAMS" eh?) We know we have an enemy... we know how to fight them. We fight them by:
1. Not watching those stations (after you see the offending "program").
2. not buying products advertised during those "programs."
3. Put those EMAILS you sent to ABC in the newspaper so the sheople can read your opinion.
4. Vote against our failed leaders. I dont care who is running for what ever office is up for grabs - vote AGAINST who ever is in the driver seat now.
5. Send emails to EVERY ONE YOU KNOW about the show and point out the lies and the bias and the half truths and the bad wigs and everything else.
6. AND THIS ONE IS NEW FOR ME... Run for an office. Join the PTA. Get active in the community. Get out and BE HEARD. Invite those who are contrary over for dinner one night and have some talks "round tables" and then lecture them about what is going on and what the real problems are.
Gun control is NOT AN ISSUE. CRIME CONTROL is the ISSUE. EDUCATION is the ISSUE. TAXES and what the heck the Government is doing with them is the issue...

"There is no limit to stupidity. Space itself is said to be bounded by its own curvature, but stupidity continues beyond infinity."
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac

My email to them was almost word for word last night. However I did not add that I will not be tuning in again.

Jeff OTMG,
That's right brother.

Since I do not write all that well and want to convey a positive educated argument for our cause, is there a form letter or someone who be willing to work with me to create one that I can send to my elected officials and the newspapers as you suggest? I asked Rich as well but he is swamped I'm sure.

Guys I'm new at this so let me know how to fight a better fight. My blood pressure goes further off the charts the more I learn about what is happening.

(Update) - Rich has contacted me about the letters.

[This message has been edited by sere101 (edited September 17, 1999).]
This is why I killed my TV long ago. Why should I continue to expose myself (heh) to this abuse?

Now I just need to find a use for all my videos, like Spawn, A Clockwork Orange, Memphis Belle, etc...

"Taking a long view of history, we may say that
anyone who lays down his arms deserves whatever he gets."
--Jeff Cooper
Why, yes! We are rigid, and uncompromising!



"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

referal #2005932
Isn't it interesting that we're always berated as "unwilling to make compromises", when, in fact, it's the anti-freedom brigade that doesn't "compromise"? After all, when each new "reasonable" law passes, they merely transfer the standard of "reasonable" to the next level.

It's as if you were holding at hot cup of coffee. A stranger walks up and pokes a hole near the top of the cup. You say "Hey! Why did you do that?" He says "You didn't really need that much, did you?" Thinking about it, you say "Well, no, but..."

He slashes out and there's another hole in the cup, pouring the scalding liquid on your hand. You yelp and say "That hurts, go away!" He says "Coffee's bad for you", and cuts a hole in the bottom of the cup.

Compromise leaves you with a burned hand, an empty cup and out the money you paid for it. What has the stranger given up?

In a similar vein, the local paper here has the following gem in their near daily rant against guns...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>"Laws also should impose tighter restrictions on the capacity and - as the Texas case shows - the number of clips."[/quote]

It was a "reasonable compromise" that got us the ten-round magazine. We knew, of course, it takes mere seconds to change a magazine. But now expect "reasonable compromises" to include reductions to five, three ("all hunters legally need") or single shot capacities. And who "needs" more than one magazine, anyway? How about a "reasonable" ban of all magazines with a requirement for a magazine safety on every gun? All "for the children", no doubt.

The flag once said "Don't tread on me", and I'm feeling pretty trodden upon...
IMHO, telling the anti-gun media that guns are not the problem is a waste of time. Their mind is made up. BUT, calling the sponsors of that show (the people who pay the bill for the show) and telling them that you will not buy their products any longer will have more of an effect. Everything is driven by money and if enough people call in to a sponsor to complain, maybe, just maybe, they might reconsider sponsoring that type of show in the future.

Don't think you're the only one, bud, whose blood pressure sky-rockets! Like Coinneach said, I rarely watch TV and don't take any newspapers. I just happened by chance, to hear about the shooting. I get so angry at times, I have to take a short break from thinking about RKBA/current political situation, and TFL, to give myself time to recoup and recharge myself for the fight!

"Liberty or death, What we so proudly hail... Once you provoke Her, rattling of Her tail- Never begins it, NEVER- But once engaged never surrenders, showing the fangs of rage. DON'T TREAD ON ME!!

I have sent email to several newspapers(6), and have received replies from 2 saying that they want to publish "part" of it. (?) I am interested to see what they will end up with when their editors get ahold of it. I have asked that they give me final draft approval before publishing and the date. We'll see. And I will ween myself of the tv. What other ways are there to know thy opponent? Is the radio media any better? Do I ignore them all together?

I also sent email to ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Wall Street Journal, and USA today. I know I need to call as well as send mail. - I am not exactly sure where to concentrate my efforts so this is a start.

Ok ARshooter I can start with sending letters and calling these shows' sponsors to get them going.

I like the analogy. You're right. You're all right. So what is the best way for us to get our point(s) accross? Like some of the other threads have asked: " How do we organize and keep from losing any more?"

Laws that forbid the carrying of arms... disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.
--- Jefferson's "Commonplace Book," 1774-1776, quoting from On Crimes and Punishment, by criminologist Cesare Beccaria, 1764