AAR Pat Goodale Handgun Close Quarters Battle West Virginia Aug 7/8 2010


New member
On August 7th and 8th PFT conducted a Handgun CQB class with 18 students coming in from as far away as Pittsburg, PA to learn from Pat Goodale. The class progression was fast and we dumped a lot of information on the shooters as the weekend advanced.

At this level we really start to focus on balancing speed and accuracy, gunhandling, and making sure that anything that can be done tactically be done that way and making administrative functions as few as possible.

Also we force the pistols into all of those, off angle/off axis shooting positions that work best for shooting around cover and keep your body out of harm’s way. This is hard for many experienced shooters who have spent tens of thousands of rounds at the 12 o’clock axis and squared directly in front of the target.

Lots of physical activities and dynamic interactions along with shooting house runs, multiple target threats, dynamic movements and lots of movers are the focus of this class that keeps the shooters within 20 yards of the threats at all times.

Thanks to everyone for staying safe and motivated and we will see you next time.

Tons of photos, videos and information can be found here

More detailed review being written as time allows.


Rob Tackett





