AAny possible use for 26.5mm flare launcher?


New member
I found this 26.5mm flare-launcher over at ceterfire systems.


I was wondering if there is any availability of reloading supplies for these shells. Could be interesting to make some beanbag rounds, anti-vampire rounds, and other stuff (with a DD stamp of course.) Anybody have links to the places to go to buy reloading stuff for these?

The guns are sound and it seems like one way to get into DD land.

What do you guys think?
I wonder if you could make sleeves for it to make single shot rifles/shotguns of various calibers?
Sure could, I did just that with the 26.5mm flare pistol - for well under $300, for certain. ;)
...and other stuff (with a DD stamp of course.) Anybody have links to the places to go to buy reloading stuff for these?

The guns are sound and it seems like one way to get into DD land.

I think he was refering to making things that go boom rather than things that go bang.

grenades and such are Destructive Devices and require a tax stamp.

I see now, said the blind man. I assumed he was talking about the device itself.

Actually, right after I read the post, I went to Centerfire System's website and read the specs. It's got a 19"+ barrel, so it could be legally sleeved into a 12 gauge or some such, but, in the final analysis, why bother?
but, in the final analysis, why bother?
Why bother owning an AR-15? Why bother owning any guns at all beyond a 12 gauge shotgun?

It's fun lobbing rounds at targets. Something incredibly fun about being able to visually track the round as it travels trough the air to the target. Flechettes are also quite fun, though not exactly effective. You can even make Confetti rounds, which makes things a little surreall at the range.

My main question is the availability and source of reloading components for this round
26.5mm Reloading Stuff

I know this is an old thread but I thought I would update you guys on the developements of the last year or so. I have developed Reloadable Aluminum Screw Apart 209 Primed Black Powder SHells for both the 37mm and 26.5mm launchers. Relaoding is simple as you do not need any specialty tools for reloading blanks or shell casings. They both have built in boosters so that less BP is needed to achieve more distance. We carry reloadin components such as disk, tubes, and fused tubes that fit both of these type and the commercial aluminum shells that many already reload. If you have any questions just let me know!


MLR Distributing
The only "why bother?" question I can think of is, why did someone build up a flare gun so much. Shoulder stock? So you can aim it really well when you're firing a flare into the sky?

The existence of this weapon is making me suspect that 26.5mm (like 37mm) is more than just a flare spec. I wouldn't be surprised if it has riot-control applications too ... batons, rubber shot, CS, maybe something that goes *scream* instead of *bang*. 12-gauge and 37mm are that way, so why shouldn't 4-gauge (aka 26.5mm) be?

In any case, it would be a lot of fun to get the tax stamps and do the project the OP suggests, but I don't have that kind of time or money.
it being a flare launcher, it doesnt require any liscensing, you sleeve it to 12 gauge and fire anything other than a flare out of it and it becomes a 12 gauge shotgun, or a DD, which was already mentioned.

id skip the 26.5, i havent heard anything about useful ammo for it.

37mm launchers are alot more common and theyve got a fair variety of shells for them and even some reloading stuff