AA fire in Baghdad...

Rob Pincus

New member
At 12:49 AM local time, in the middle of CNN reading a statement from Trent Lott which amounted to "I don't believe we need to attack Saddam right now..."

The nightvision screen shot lit up and AA fire roared.
Don't know if they were actually shooting at anything or not...

CNN is reporting "loud Thuds" from outside of the city.

...Spokesperson Lockheart just announced (5:06 ET)that a "substantial" attack has been launched on Iraq.
The correspondent in Baghdad is implying that there is a significant amount of smoke coming from the area of the Presidential Palace.

[This message has been edited by Rob (edited 12-16-98).]
Lets keep our servicepeople in our thoughts and prayers and wish a speedy completion of their duty should this be the real McCoy.
It's real all right! I'm all for giving Hussian a serious butt woopin' but, I got to question the timing. If Clinton put our people in harm's way just to buy himself some time, God help him- eveybody else will want his head!
thats the beauty of cruise missiles. I don't think that Bill has the balls or the stupidity to send real people into Iraq. It should be the most idiotic thing ever. I mean really, why send people into harms way when we could send a machine. The goal in not to conquer Iraq, just to rid it of a parasitic infection it has had since the lat 1970's

Watching CNN "live picture from Baghdad" ALL the lights are on! Street lights, building lights, cars, trucks, etc.Do they know that they're under attack ? Are they under attack?
Amazingly, they seem to be, Motorep. At the same time I am seeing/hearing flahses/crashes and AA fire, they're are people walking around int he streets and cars driving down the road, all the lights are still on. Who knows?

I think Contender is right on. regardless of the politics, many of us have friends and we all have countrymen who are going into harms way.
Don't be overly impressed with the cruise missles, someone has to lase many of those targets. You can bet that many aircraft will also be deployed over Iraq. Shrike and similar missles have to fired to destroy radar and AA sites. Many of those missions are handled by choppers.

Regardless of my personal feelings about he delay of impeachment hearings, let's keep our thoughts focused on the safety and effectiveness of our troops.


[This message has been edited by Rob (edited 12-16-98).]
I thought those Cruise Missles were part of our technology exchange program.

Seriously, better peace than war and better missles than the lives of our troops.
Our fearless leader has had countless confrontations with Saddam in the last six years. Does anybody really believe that it had to be done today???
He probably shot up some poor old Arabs used camel lot or some other hi-tech installation.
This is yet another in a long line of abuses of power.

Better days to be,

Whatever happened to the element of surprise? It was basically announced to the whole world that were beginning to bomb Iraq. Do we really think we're gonna get Hussein or his "elite guard?" Husseins long gone and in safe hiding by the time those missiles hit.
Clinton has every right to be bombing the crap out of baghdad. The law is on his side here. He can do stuff like this for i think its 90 days before he needs Congressional approval. He also warned Saddam that he would attack without warning (well w/o talking to the UN) if he violated that terms of the inspections.
I had a class with Leon Panetta this quarter (Clintons's ex-cheif of staff). We discussed this when the first attack didn't happen. He told the class that he personally thought that Clinton should attack without consulting UN, like he did yesterday.
And I hate this garbage about the people in the UN being mad at us, Russian saying we violated the UN Charter. If they hate us so much kick our ass out and then get out of our country. Then we pull ou forces out of every UN peacekeeping mission, and see how they deal with life. For the first time since God knows when a military decision was made in D.C not NYC. I'm glad to know that the Pentagon still is in control.
Ed, while i'm no fan of clinton, i don't know that i'd classify this as an abuse of power. he had to know that all this about the timing of the bombing was gonna bring up questions. but either way the impeachment hearings will continue, just at a later date. i agree that we need to support all our troops over there, and hope we bomb the hell out of the right places, and to hell w/ what the u.n. or anybody else says!

fiat justitia
Chink- I'm curious, why does Clinton have every legal right to bomb Baghdad? Before you answer "to go after weapons of mass destruction" why aren't we bombing North Korea?
Have you guys noticed each time Clinton gets in trouble the next day the military is used for something? I pointed this out to my wife and she counted several other times as well.
Timing was very questionable!
Yeah the Tomohawks needed to fly, but they could have flown 3 years ago, and any time since then... or later... Sadam is just being Sadam - the same as he has been for the last almost 10 years... WHY NOW? Why? because Billy Boy is a shamefull coward and is trying to put the attention off him and onto another BadGuy! This is what we get for not electing a stand up guy, and instead elected a stand up comedian.

Kenetic Defense Institute
The difference here is that Saddam is crazy enough to actually use these weapons. In fact, he HAS used them in the past. Make no mistake Saddam Hussian is a threat to the entire world. He must be stopped.

Clinton is not a comedian. A comedian is funny on purpose! :)

I could be wrong, but didn't on of our former presidents sign some sort of Exec. Order that said something like the President can go to war for x days before he needs congressional approval? I thought that bushsed used it to justify Panama. Like I said, I could be wrong

It seems that everyone has a very short memory. When Clinton stopped the attack about a month ago, he said that the next time Iraq didn't comply with the inspections, the US would bomb without warning,without consulting the UN, regardless of who was supporting us. Tuesday or Wed. I don't remember, Butler, head of the UNSCOM inspection team filed a report with the UN that said that Iraq was not fully complient. This means that they did not comply with the terms of the cease-fire inspections. I agree the timing does seem odd if you look at it as a singular event, but if you look at the history behind the event, i makes a lot more sense
Let me try to get this straight- if a nation has weapons of mass destruction and uses them or threatens to use them it should be okay to go after them, right? We've sure as hell done that recently, haven't we ? Sudan? Afghanistan?
We haven't declared war on Iraq, we're just pounding the crap out of them. I still don't see the justification for it. As I posted earlier, if threatening, warlike behavior, and the capability to carry out those threats is the criteria, there are better candidates out there than Iraq. North Korea has the capability to put a missle on our west coast, most likely has the capability to put a nuke on it, has and continues to threaten a neighbor who is one of our allies. Why not bomb them?
I think the situation in North Koreas is different than Iraq. No Peace Treaty has ever been signed with respect to the Korean Conflict. We are in an extended cease-fire. Iraq agreed to allow the weapons inspectors look at there stuff and they agreed to disarm as part of the terms of their surrender. now they keep going back on their word and so we decided to bomb them. I makes perfect sense, at least to me.
Also Saddam isn't crazy. He is just ambitious to a point where it is flaw. He is also extremely intelligent. He has learned over the past 7-8 years to work the system.
Chink- the agreement was with the UN not the US. We are acting almost unilaterally on this deal. I've thought about this a bit more today, I think what really pisses me off is that I'm afraid I'm going to see another group of new guys at the VA hospital for no reason other than politics.