A5 Tatical Project.


New member
I'm new here, but after I've been around a while y'all will come to recognize that I really prefer older, "classic" firearms to most modern ones. I have . . . several . . . firearms, and none of them have polymer frames or synthetic stocks. I'm a blue steel and wood guy.

A friend of mine as been touting the virtues of his Saiga 12, but. . . that is one fugly gun. But it did get me thinking about the idea of a tactical shotgun. \
I recently found and bought an almost pristine Smith Model 15 (K-38) at my local gun shop. When I picked it up last week, I did my usual browsing to see if anything caught me eye. Nothing really jumped out at me, but I did pick up a Belgium made Browning A5 in 12 gauge. It looked like it had a shorter barrel than most I had previously seen or owned (I've owned one in the past, and regreted selling it ever since). But . . . it was one of several guns I picked up to look at.

When I saw the Model 15 I wound up buying, I had gone into the shop looking to see what they had in tactical shotguns. Then, when I saw the Smith, it was no contest between it and something new and plastic. When picking the pistol up, I see the A5. But . . . I don't want a hunting shotgun, I want a self defense semi auto shotgun. (By now, y'all see where this is going, don't ya'?) After I get home, I'm still thinking that there's something about that Browning. . .

So, I get online, and find that you can get magazine tube extensions and other kewl accessories to convert an A5 into a tactical gun. Oh lawd, you mean I can have vintage AND tactical . . . WHAT A GREAT IDEA! Now, I'm a little poor from buying the Smith, but I put a down payment on the shotgun, and will pay it off with the next paycheck. Then, give it an eight shot capacity, some night sights, mebbe a few more gadgets, and I've got me a streetsweeper.

Now. . . before you purists scream about butchering a classic like the A5, the factor that sealed the deal was the fact that a previous owner had already shortened the barrel to about 20 inches and installed an adjustable choke. The conversion was already half done.

I think I'm gonna have fun with this project. Pictures will follow when I bail the gun out in a couple of weeks.
I built my HD Shotgun out of a Model 550 Mossberg that was sold by Montgomery Wards.
I wanted a barrel length capable of turning around in a Hall with, yetcompletelly legal, I cut the barrel to 19 1/2" so that even a quick test with a tape measure could prove legality. The 19 1/2" length is perfect! It acts much shorter than it actually is and gives a nice sighting plane.
All I added was a Kick-EEze slip on recoil pad. The company claims 75% recoil reduction, and though the real truth is somewhat less than that, recuction isa LOT! Taming the full kick to a very tolerable level. Slip-On pads provide more reduction than fixed pade because they are allowed to fluff back to normal shape and full airspace, even thoughthey aren't as pretty as a fixed model.
I still need to mount a bead but nothing else!
No slings, lights, Lazers or Gizmos! Nothing to hang-up while moving about the house nothing to hang up on chairs or lamps. My Shothun is a 6 shot though it preforms best with 3. (Probablly needs a new magazine spring, follower and shell stop.) No extra external ammo carriers ( bought a 6 shot model and it literally seemed to pull the gun to the left!)
I figgure I can stoke it as I use it. You need to learn reloads be it it 3 or 6, you ARE gonna run out of shells!
Smooth and simple just a gun and shells.
Trouble for any home invader!