A Welcome CindyH thread


New member
You been here long and lurking or just moved into the neighborhood?

Either way, welcome to the most hospitable danged bulletin board on the whole danged internet! (Stolen from Andy Griffith, sort of)
Welcome home, Cindy. Are you who I think you are?
Put another way, have you ever been the subject of a photograph with a bald gun geek, in which you appeared to be pointing a six-shooter at yourself?


(Was that cryptic enough?)
NAH, NAH, NAH, I beat you guys to welcoming Cindy to the board in another thread. :p

HI, CindyH. It is always nice to have a lotta females here. :D

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Hey Jim, I saw that, so I was prompted to open one for her in case not everyone read the thread. (oneupmanship)

But thanks for the prompt; getting me off my seat is not an easy task.
Just a reminder, I'm watching youse guys extra careful...

...not to protect Cindy, 'cause she sure as hell can look after herself, but to protect you from her. :D

ps: Someone ask her what she'd do to a rapist.
Thanks, everyone! This is a cool board. Yeah, I guess I was kinda lurking for a while, but I've seen some pretty hostile boards, so guess I just had to be sure. This is definitely a "hospitable danged bulletin board!" :)

BTW, Don are you talkin' about an *alleged* picture of me where it looks like I'm gonna pick my nose w/a .22 mag? :D

I guess you got me!
That's what I thought.

But there's something that's been bothering me--what would you do to a rapist, Cindy? Inquiring minds want to know.
shhhhh Don its the cult names ;)

Oh and don't call me Miss D my name is April.

See TFL meet thread for better explanation.

[This message has been edited by Miss Demeanors (edited May 04, 2000).]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>...what would you do to a rapist, Cindy? Inquiring minds want to know.[/quote]

uh....inappropriate for polite forum discussion. :D :D :D

Suffice it to say that:
1)I WOULD find him. :mad:
2)I don't get mad, I get even. :eek:

(ps...*April*...is having matching togas at a GunCultMeet the same as having matching dresses at the Prom? Must discuss. Does Wal*Mart have a toga section, BTW? ;) )
Welcome, mam'selle. Vous le vous autoloader or wheelgun? Seriously, happy to have you aboard. We have an interesting 'family' here, lots to learn and to share. We do value civility here, and can usually disagree w/o becoming too disagreeable. We do have a staff crumudgeon (Greyfox) and staff valkyrie (DC) and some guy in Utah who used to be a bear, and numerous other characters who are at least as interesting as their guns. This is a good place.
Best regards, M2
"Interesting" is a very diplomatic way of putting it.

I myself used to be a teddy bear and the widely beloved star of several classic children's books.

April used to be a gang banger.