A weird story from Georgia

We've been hearing about the Nuwaubians for months down here. It's nice to see the cult phenomenon isn't just a WASP thing...

I didn't read the article - Did they mention that they used to dress up like cowboys and have barbeques (I'm not making that up)? Or that some members believe their leader is an alien who surfed down on a comet?

People are weird.
After reading the full story I'm convinced they are a cult and a threat to society. I bet they don't even pay their taxes. Time to call the BATF and burn the compound down. We need some good news about now to cover up some problem the pres is having. Sorry if I sound so cynical...
The article mentions that the locals "fear the Nuwaubians are similar to Heaven’s Gate, the cult whose 39 members committed mass suicide in 1997". So! Didn't the Heaven's Gate cult conveniently remove itself from the gene pool? I'm all for freedom of religion, and if your religion says you gotta kill yourself, well, more power to ya.

I know this seems insensitive, but with overpopulation on the horizon, I don't get too choked up about folks who don't want to be here anymore.

Now, go have yourself a super spectacular day :) :)


[This message has been edited by LightningLink (edited July 29, 1999).]
Well, everybody's gotta be somewhere!

Did you follow-on to the articles about Clinton's $90,000 fine, and how Foggy bottom screwed up catching the US embassy bombers?
I am from Putnam County where the Nuwabians are. I must admit that they are strange and have a militant leadership. However, the FEW that I have dealt with are extremely nice, and their children are as well mannered as any I have ever seen.

It is scarry what they propose, and their leaders have proclaimed that they plan to bring in enough voters to take over the county.

The biggest problem with the Nuwabians is that fact that our sheriff and county commission won't leave them alone. Sure they would still cause minor problems, but the local officials give them plenty of ammo.

The thing that I most worry about is the sheriff becoming way too powerful. He has already been given the authority to enforce all county ordinances and codes. In effect, he is not only the sheriff now, he is also the building inspector, health inspector, fire marshall, ... etc. He will most likely run unopposed in the next election cycle because the locals are so afraid of the Nuwabians. Sills, the Sheriff, has made a point waging a personal war with the Nuwabians and the people see him as their only line of defense. That really scares me. Sills does a lot of things that I don't agree with, but nobody will challenge him on anything because of his stance against the cult.

"God grants liberty only to those who love it and are always ready to guard and defend it." --Daniel Webster
Another little tidbit-- There is a group in Atlanta that calls itself the Federal Rangers and Georgia Rangers. They dress up like soldiers and patrol the housing projects claiming to be a private police force. They even cuff and stuff people.

Seven of the guys showed up at the sheriff's office one day claiming to be sent by the governor to mediate. Well, I guess these guys didn't know about a new Georgia law against anyone carrying any kind of weapon across the jail line. The sheriff contacted the GBI and coordinated a raid on the Rangers headquarters. They aressted the 7 men who came to the jail that day. Four of them were convicted felons. They were charged with all sort of stuff.

"God grants liberty only to those who love it and are always ready to guard and defend it." --Daniel Webster
I am from Milledgeville just south of Putman County, were the compound is located. I am also in LE and have ridden with Putman Co. Deputies a few times. When ever they have to deal with a Nuwaubian for any thing Traffic stop, etc. the nuwaubian always give the deputy a hard time. 9 out of 10 nuwaubians have a record of some sort. Their leader York have a record and maybe be under investigation for murders in New York when he was a Black panther leader back in the early 70's. The Nuwaubian's believe that York is a supreme being that is going to take the chosen few in a space craft to the heaven planet in the year 2002. Some of these peaceful nuwaubians have been buying weapons at an alarming rate (for example 20 shotgun at one time from a local pawn shop), also they have been going to various libraries and pulling up stuff on how to build bomd, etc.. Also this group has a number of book store through out the nation that are fronts for other illegel activity. So the LE in the area are just waiting for the war to start with this group. Time will tell.

Gotta agree with Lightning Link-- What's wrong with them being like Heaven's Gate? They didn't hurt anyone but themselves...!With the population just now past 6 Billion, how am I going to get worked up over a cult that acts as a lightning rod for the real crazies, and encourages them to off themselves? All the better, they were hacking off their genitals long prior to their last big ride to the sky. Anyone who chickened out isn't going to be making any contributions to the gene pool. (Yes, this is callous, but would you really want your daughter to have children with one the offspring of these people?)

The only thing that'll be remembered about them, unfortunately, is that they were armed. I cringe everytime a Kook Compound is openly armed. To the uninformed, I, by association, am a kook. Cults don't scare me-- let 'em be. It's the way people respond to cults that scares me.

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited July 29, 1999).]
Native American Egiptian Nubians from outer space? Oh My!
What can I say most of yall know I'm a sick puppy anyway! Hank
So many wackos, so few comets. *sigh*

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
Seems to me that every time someone finds a group of people with beliefs that stray too far from the main stream they are persecuted. Our gov't officials are so quick to label groups as "cults". I'm sure the 12 disciples and Jesus would have been considered a "cult" in their day too. Now I'm not defending what these weirdos believe as truth, but they have freedom of religion to believe whatever they want. If they want to believe that the hale bop comet with the heavens gate people are going to return to pick them up ... fine.

As for their "compound". There is nothing wrong with a lot of like minded people living together in a group. If some these people can be indicted on credible felony charges of some kind (i.e. they murdered someone)... fine. Wait for them to go into town or something and arrest them. I don't want some red-neck GA sheriff starting another Waco over a zoning ordinance, etc. though. Just leave these weirdos alone!

As for buying large amounts of weapons at one time... who gives a damn. If they want to buy 20 shotguns at once from a pawn store then that is their right. Just remember that those 20 shotguns cost less than one of the rifles that some of yall own.

[This message has been edited by ProfJava (edited July 30, 1999).]
Under some interpretations I suppose we could be considered a cult, huh?

Until they do something, leave them the hell alone...we live in an allegedly free society, by definition we have to put up with some BS so all can be free. The anti-gunners think we are weird.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
AS a member of the LE community in the Putnam
County area, I have had much dirrect contact
with the nuwaubians. It is common to stop a
member of the group for some minor traffic
violation and end up in some type of confrontation with them. They seem detirmined
to cause problems for LE officials in the area. A favorite saying of theirs is,"You stopped me for DWB(driving while black)".All the Putnam County Commission, Sheriff Sills or his deputies require from them is they obey the law like everyone else. We couldn't care less about their religious beliefs or their race. The group seems bent on drawing Sheriff Sills into a confrontation where someone gets hurt. While no one in LE wants to harm someone in the line of duty, in todays society this is forced on us all to often. These people seem to want to cause a Waco like confrontation with LE, just read any of the propaganda laced literature they spread around the county.
Furthermore, their leader, Mr. York, has
stated that one of their goals is to create their own soverign nation in Putnam County.
I believe this issue of a seperate nation in
the South was settled in the 1860's after a small disagreement. These people carry passports that are needed to get on the property and have even tried to claim diplomatic immunity when arrested.
As to the claim that Sheriff Sills has to much power, he is the chief LE officer in the county. He is required by law, and has sworn to uphold the laws of the USA, Georgia, and Putnam County.
If this group of people can obey the law, there will be no problems in Putnam County

[This message has been edited by shades6848 (edited August 01, 1999).]
Shades, that little disagreement wasn't settled in the 1860's, as the sayin' goes
"it's just half-time" ;)

as for this group y'all have down there/over there, i hope the sheriff can keep his men under control and not fall for the trap you say these people are trying to set. I can understand people in the county being nervous, but like DC said, until they do something illegal, let'em be, if they're acting as you state, it won't be long before they'll start crossing the line, then something can be done...

what me worry?

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited August 02, 1999).]
longhair,AS there was no formal surrender, I stand corrected on the C.S.A. issue.

Sheriff Sills has a good bunch working for him.
He;y do yall think the kooks in that compound in hyannis port is armed......ya'll know who I mean the kennedy clan compound,,,,,I wonder what illegal weapons they might have ...hmmmm....like fully auto uzi's,,,,fubsy,
As I said in a previous post, the Nuwabians would still cause problems no matter what, but Sills and the County Com. sure do give these folks a lot of chances to get ethir names in the paper.

I have never suggested that the PCSO just forget about them, but they shouldn't wage war with them either. I realize that they have made it personal with Sills; however, he should take the high road and not get sucked in by them.