A way to influence an anti-gun politician?


New member
I believe many of us actively voice our displeaure to politicians whenever they attempt to pass another Draconian gun control law. However, how much pull does your opinion have on a politician who's openly anti-gun?

When we approach these politicians with our usual objections, I think they know more or less that we did not vote for them. In other words our displeasure isn't costing them a vote because they never had it to begin with.

What if we approach them in a tone that may suggest that we had supported them on their last election, but because of the ever increasing invasion of individual rights, we can no longer feel comfortable giving them our continued support. Suggest that they will LOSE our vote until they start to look for answers to our problems, instead of supposed answers to the symptoms of the problems.

What do you all think? Let's hear some input.
My senators (non-caps intentional) are Feinstein and Boxer. They don't care, they are arrogant, elitist and agenda driven. They have professional demographic and voter analysts, and strategic planners. For every woman they lose for their anti-gun stance, they gain 10 for the pro-choice; pro-education, pro-women safety, pro-women business, etc ad nauseum.
Take Boxer for example....her people crucified Matt Fong because he endorsed old-fashioned values and he didn't approve of abortion. He had no intention of introducing prayer, limiting abortion, etc....he just honestly stated his personal beliefs, thats all. Boxer's people portrayed him as a fanatical Christian who'd have women chained to the stove, a minority hater (even though he is Chinese), etc.

I dunno, I don't think they can be influenced, only defeated.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I think that the soft approach " you could lose my vote" would work on some very middle or the road types , but the hard core ones we should attack with the Title 18 Sec 241 approach... we've got to get it tested soon in a small way.....a winable way.... then go after the big bad rights stompers...

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
DC, you are certainly correct ("I don't think they can be influenced, only defeated. I too have the unfortunate distinction of having Feinstein and Boxer as my Senators.
I called Feinstein's Washington office earlier this week on the current issues and did not use the "I am a card carrying member of the liberal group, but..." dialog. A young obviously left slanted fellow answered the phone, and as soon as he understood my statement, he flew off the handle and would not let me speak...Kept talking about something along the lines of "there weren't seat belts in autos when they first were produced ...Blah..Blah...Blah, etc. Made no sense to me. When I finally asked him politely to let me make my statement for transmittal to the Senator, he got arrogant and louder. I told him that I paid his salary and didn't appreciate this kind of treatment, the little sh*t hung up on me.. I called back immediately and got a woman who at least listened to me and promised to return my call on a letter that they failed to respond on...I do not believe that I will ever get that call.
Elk, DC:

Unfortunately, I know what you mean. I live in the great dictatorship of Kalifornia. Somedays I wish an earthquake would come and wipe out some of those idiots up in Sacramento. As for Feinstein and Boxer, what can I say that hasn't been said already.
I've decided to start taping any conversations I have with those office twits. I am never ever abusive, but get hung up on more than not, or as Elker stated, become subject to the ramblings of some office drone.
Guess what? I paid for the damned call, they are my reps so that moron office dweeb is paid to listen to me and not editorialize. So what will I do with the tapes if they show constituent abuse? Send to local newspapers and radio stations..... And, the point will not be to voice my political views, it will be to demonstrate the attitude and lack of courtesy/discipline rampant in Rep's offices.

All of us have to deal with the public at times, and we maintain common courtesy even when the public are jerks. Its time to expand this war at every single level...come at them from all sides.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I had been talking with John Edwards (D-NC) office this week (so have others in my area)and if I am correct twice he voted with us.
Hey DC...lets trade. One Chuck Schumer for a Boxer and a Feinstein.

Personally calling Putzheads office is a waste of time, they will just provide some snide remark and hang up. I didn't vote for the bum anyway and they know who I am.

At least Moynihan ( our other Dem Senator ) didn't show up for the vote today, maybe he is trying to pave the way for hillary by not angering the Gun Owners. (That was supposed to be funny).

Like the old Chinese curse "may you live in interesting times" Someone must have laid a big one on Me.