A Tribute to My Father for Memorial Day


New member
A tribute to my father's military service for this Memorial Day. These are all from my collection. He carried all of these weapons during his service in Korea. From rear to front 1918A3 BAR, M-1 Garand, M-1 Carbine, and 1911. Interesting trivia: the BAR weighs the most of all of these. I had always figured you assigned the BAR to the biggest guy you had. On the contrary, you assigned it to the smallest guy. You wanted your highest casualty producing weapon carried by a fast, nimble, and small target. My father was considerably smaller and shorter than I, but he was incredibly strong for his size. He related that during the retreat from the Chosin Reservoir that they often fired the BAR until the barrel was red hot. Keep in mind it was winter and the temps at night plunged below zero.

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Semper Fi to your Dad and all the other that have been in harms way to make and KEEP this the greatest Country on earth.

Im humbled by those that went before me and grateful to those that followed me
To one and all-let's put aside the bar-b-que, parties, etc. and remember the reason for Memorial Day: those that have given it all and are not here to celebrate with us.
I served with Seargant Ralph Hardy who at Chosin was a corporal and survived one of the worst battles ever in history....OOOOOORAH!