A time for protest


New member
I'm tired of living in the PRK and watching the draconian gun laws that the socialist democrats literally walk through the legislative process. We need to protest all anti-gun laws in all states and we need to rally all gun owners.

My suggestion is for every gun owner, for any shooting related activity, to wear the yellow star of david armband with the words "Gun Owner". This is inexpensive, unlike joining the NRA or GOA, so all gun owns can partake. There was a gun rally where gun owners wore these bands and the socialist democrats started whining about it. This is
what we want, our cause to be well known with media attention, and to rally the gun owners.

In the PRK we have the "AW" laws and next year the CALDOJ is go to start checking all ranges. Won't this give the officers a cold feeling when checking paperwork?

We have to do something now and this is a start. Is it Go or NoGo?
It is a great idea. However, I think that you will get so much bad feelings from all of the large Jewish organizations for (in their opinion) suborning their "thing", that it might backfire on you.
So, we need another symbol. How about a white star from the American Flag?

Or, those shoulder patches of a flag, with the word GUN OWNER emroidered onto it.

Just thoughts.

Anybody else?
Actually ...

... the Tyranny Response Team has done that very thing ... with the Star of David.

They received some flak about it from the Anti Defamation League as I recall, but it gave them a chance to point out JPFO, and the irony of Jewish people supporting the anti-self defense gun bigots.

Making a point, and protesting, is bound to raise some hackles. If it didn't, no one would notice, and the protest would be a failure.

To each his own.

Regards from AZ
Gunowner-Star of David

Gunowner-Star of David

Back in 1999 , I wore the gunowner star
of David along with 20 other people in Conn to
a pro-gun rally held by http://www.gunsafe.org in
Hartford Conn

The star was definately noticed by everyone.
The Jewish people did complain about it but then
we mentioned about http://www.JPFO and the jewish holicost
and how things could have been very different if
the Jews had been armed and resisted instead of being
sheep to the slauter.

Finally we told them that we meant them
no disrespect but needed to respectifully use
their symbol to help prevent a possible similar
occurance here.

That pretty much took most of the wind out
of their sails but some still complained.

What Jeff Thomas said in the previous post
pretty much applies. You can use a white star
instead. Your choice.