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A thought


Between here and THR over the past 2 years, it occurs to me that one thing that causes all the rudeness, condecension, psuedo intellectualism and expert snobbery that takes the form of knocking and slamming other people's posts, threads and comments that erupt into hollering and screaming across the board is that we don't speak to each other here the way we would sitting at the supper table in person. Much like when we are in our cars, we are quick to curse or knock other drivers through our windows with our lips or waving our fingers (which one :D ).

I am not just talking about members (although there are plenty of those withe their "put this thread out it's misery" and other such comments), I am also talking about moderators who close threads because they think the discussion is not worthy of board time, or "run it's course" or is a "too old" or just because they don't like them followed by needless knocking other people's opinion or thoughts. That's not what a moderator is. That is personal bias. A moderator is supposed to be a devil's advocate who makes sure everyone is playing fair and by the rules keeping the discussion civil.

By-the-way, I am not getting on my self-righteous soapbox and excluding myself from this, I have been guilty of this sin at times as well.:o

If 10 of us were to walk into my motel room right now, shake hands, sit down and have a gun discussion, we would dare not say half of what gets spewed with rolled eyes :rolleyes: on this thread to other members. It would be embarrasing to yourself, others in the room and might even result in your getting punched in the nose. But it's easy to type things over keyboard looking at your own words on a computer screen instead of looking into a man's face as you converse.

Just a thought.:)
I think you expressed the frustrations of alot of people in your post. I know some of the comments that get made on here would never get made face to face. If you don't like what someone says or don't want to contribute just ignore the post you don't have to go into it with the attitude of "opening up a can".

I don't expect this thread to survive for very long because it will surely get hijacked and get nasty quickly.
I try to engage my mind before my fingers. I won't type something I would not say in person. Actualy, I say a lot more in person, just ask glockopop(if you can find him...) or GoSlash27.
Have you noticed that thread quality, punctuation, spelling,etc. all start to going downhill after 5:00 PM!! That's when the boys get home from work and start sipping on their favorite libation.After a little fortification they start posting all kinds of nonsense!! I can tell when someones getting tipsy even in Cyberspace!!