A THIEF among us


New member
It is my sad duty to report there is a thief among the posters here on TFL. I have spoken to Rich L. about this, and we feel that the following is appropriate.
I made a deal with "Snoman" for my Trailmaster Bowie, and stupidly sent the knife before receiving verified funds. He won't answer e-mails, and calls to information in the area reveal no phone by anyone with his name. Act accordingly, and if he every offers to buy anything, get a money order FIRST.
snoman a.k.a. Rus Brockway, 1026 13th Ave. N., Sauk Rapids, MN 56379, area code for that location is 320.

Shoot straight regards, Richard
The Shottist's Center forums.delphi.com/m/main.asp?sigdir=45acp45lc
A similar thing happened on Glock Talk in the last few weeks.

A member made a post asking about another member who seemed to have sleazed on his half of a transaction. Attempts to email and otherwise locate the alleged sleaze were unsuccessful.

It turns out that certain circumstances had intervened, including a family illness and trouble with his ISP (so no email). All turned out well, and everybody was happy in the end.

If you try to find me through the phone company, you won't, because the account in is my wife's name. I don't know "Snoman", and I'm not vouching for him, it's just something to think about.

How long has this situation gone on?

45 King, I said a prayer for Mike in VA & here's one for you too....
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
The courage to change the things I can.
And to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they just pissed me off. ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
The Address he gave you belongs to:
Granite City Armored Car Service
Tel: (320) 828-3031
Fax: (320) 252-2309

As his profile lists his occupation as "Armored Car Driver", I assume this makes sense.

There are only 5 Brockways that I can find in this area code. I've emailed you the names and addresses.

Snoman was a fairly regular poster here and at GlockTalk. Perhaps someone in the office snagged the knife and he's not aware that it ever came. While I'd like to give hime the benefit of the doubt, after a month, I think you're owed an explanation.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited August 30, 1999).]
That really irks me , I mean if you can't trust a fellow pro gunner ,who the heck can you trust.......If this is true, I hope you kick him off the site Rich

Thanks for the help. I'll try tracking him down that way. It could be as was mentioned; someone at work snagged the knife before he was aware that it arrived, in which case my appologies to him. However, in view of the fact that I've sent 5 or 6 e-mails, none of which have been answered, I don't think it's likely. Of course, something could have happened to him, too.
Just yesterday I found out that a very good friend of mine, a house painter, was found dead Friday, hanging in a house he was doing some work at. Police have ruled the death a homicide, but are doing nothing about it. He's just one more black nobody. (I'm white, BTW.) Pisses me off no end. Whoever did it better hope I don't find 'em first, else they'll wish for a death as merciful as strangulation by hanging.

Shoot straight regards, Richard
The Shottist's Center forums.delphi.com/m/main.asp?sigdir=45acp45lc
Richard, good luck with your deal - hope it works out.

This is a bit of a lesson for all of us I suppose. I too feel as though I have gotten to 'know' and appreciate many folks here on TFL. I owe a great debt of gratitude for a terrific education in firearms.

However, we all know there are plenty of 'lurkers' on the board we never 'see', and some of the posters / members here may not be what they seem. I would assume we have a fair number of anti-gunners that cruise here now and then, and I doubt this site is unknown to our friends at ATF and elsewhere in our government(s). I don't think this is paranoia, just caution, and logical reality.

So, this reminds me to continue to use caution, even when I think I've gotten to know a fellow TFLer on the board. 'Tread slowly' probably continues to be a good rule.

Regards from AZ
Richard and anyone else buying/selling.

I would recommend using an internet escrow service to avoid this situation. For a small fee, they will hold the funds until the buyer has received the merchandise, then they will release the funds to the seller. For an example of one of these companies that looks pretty good, go to D&M Internet Escrow Service at


I have no personal experience with this company, so use a search engine and take your choice of the several companies providing this service.

Also, it's smart to ship the merchandise in a way that requires an ID and/or signature to assist in tracking down deadbeats.

Hope this helps,


[This message has been edited by Doug in PHX (edited August 30, 1999).]
Isn't fraud commited over the internet a crime? A felony too I think.
Hell, sic the feds on him. Maybe they can accually solve one.
If it was shipped using the USPS, or if any postage was used to communicate during the deal, I believe it's mail fraud - a Federal offense. At the very least, you could take him to small claims court.

There are a lot of reasons he could be out of touch that don't involve crime, though. I'm kind of surprised we haven't seen a post from him, defending himself. Maybe there is a legitimate reason for his lack of communication. Have you tried a registered letter?

I like the escrow deal! That sounds like a great idea to me! I've sold a few things on eBay, and the worst I've had is someone who didn't pay for an item he won. Cost me a few dollars, but that's a risk of doing business.
Danger Dave has a valid point - methinks this is mail fraud...

Contact your local Postal Inspector. You have name - address - Job... File charges - A Trailmaster is a spendy edge!

"We learn from history that we learn nothing from history."

-- George Bernard Shaw

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
FWIW, and it has prob been transmitted in private:

ICQ# 5716477 profile reads:

First Name: Becca
Last name: Retzlaff
Gender : Female
Age: 23
More Info: Hello, I'm a 5'6" female with brown hair, and green eyes. I love animals I have a cat. Her name is Meeko. I'm an outdoors kind of woman.. If you want to learn more about me, please chat!!

Since the reference to the cat's name and the current email addy in the TFL profile are the same, it's a close bet that they are prob the same person.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Good work.

Latest from my sources. Russ Brockway does, indeed, work for Granite City Armored Car Service. The telephone that I previously provided is outdated. Correct telephone: (320) 252-0708

I don't know why he adopts a female mantle for ICQ, but it would appear that he is not hiding...gave you a good address and real name. Suggest you call him and report back.