A thank you to Ruger's Departing CEO


New member
Sent this to Ruger's contact our CEO email address. I know Brand Loyalty is not a common thing these days (aside from Apple) but I was raised with Rugers and they continue to be a common fixture in my safe. Just thought I would share this here as well. If any Ruger employees peruse these pages please know how much your company has figured in my enjoyment of our sport.

Dear Ruger CEO

I recently watched your interview with GunBlast.com and am sorry to hear of your impending retirement. While I know your parting is surely earned I hate to see your leadership of Ruger end.

I don’t typically take the time to write thank you letters like this but I felt I needed to in this case. I am currently 37 and Ruger has been a part of my life since I was 10 years old and my parents surprised me with my first firearm a 10/22. Like most gun enthusiasts my age your 10/22 was my introduction to shooting and gun safety. I still fondly remember many enjoyable Saturdays at the range with my father learning the finer points of marksmanship and gun safety under his watchful eye. My father grew up hunting in South Dakota and while I never got hit with the hunting bug I was hooked on shooting from an early age.

As my love of the sport grew Ruger was always there and continues to be a go to brand for me as my interest in the sport grows. My first rimfire pistol was a Ruger 22/45. My first centerfire revolver was a Blackhawk .357. My first centerfire semi Auto pistol was a P89. My first centerfire semi auto rifle was a mini 14. Other than the P89 which I stupidly traded away (and regret to this day) I still own all of the guns mentioned above including my trusty 10/22. Over 25 years of ownership and the old rimfire still sports all of its original factory parts and runs as good as it did the day I received it.

Like all things tastes and interests change with age and over the years college, work, and family have taken up more and more of my time but spending a lazy morning at the range has and always will be something I cherish and treasure. My father and I don’t get out shooting as often but we still take several trips to the range a year. We don’t shoot as far or as accurately as we used to but I have found that matters less to me than it once did. Spending time with my father discussing a shared hobby is really the point. Every one of those now rare trips to the range finds at least one Ruger in my range bag. When I looked in my safe today in preparation for this note I was not surprised to count 18 Ruger’s. Your company has been a part of my family since I was a child and will continue to be long into the future. Thank you so much for everything you have done for the firearms community and the years of enjoyment you have brought to my father and me.

Enjoy your retirement. It is well earned.