A Thank You Letter From Obama

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I received this in the mail today. Its a thank you from the Obama camp for the DNC being held in Denver.

I love the line about our patience in dealing with any inconveniences we may have encountered. No really ....I enjoyed sitting in standtill traffic on the highway near the Pepsi Center and Mile High Stadium, and taking 1-2 hours to travel 7 miles, during NON-rush hour times, for the weeks leading up to and during your convention, for which I had no say in coming here. :p

But then again, he did say "Thank You"...:rolleyes:



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What strikes me is his special little emblem at the bottom. This is the same as on the tail of his plane, etc. Looks like the sun rising on part of the American flag. I think his message is this is a new kind of patriotism. When I see this emblem I wonder why not just use the actual American flag? I wonder if he will fly this special flag of his over the White House? But I guess this is just small time stuff to worry about.:rolleyes:
Shouldn't he be sending them out to all citizens of the US for having to endure the 19month plus campaign?

(and I think the emblem should also have a dime on it to signify change)
Obama's emblem, called branding, is a symbol or logo used to represent or associate with an organization. It's actually very good as the the plains or farmland is represented by the stripes. The rising sun can symbolize the begining of a new day (Hope). The colors are patriotic. I give the designer an "A" for that branding. Mind you, it's the substance and not the branding that gets my vote.
Actually I just thought of something. Why would I have even gotten one of these in the mail today? Im not a Democrat and, obviously, not registered as one. Surely they did not send one of these to every single person in the state of Colorado...hmmmmmmmmm.
I'd say the posting has just a taunt of manure attached.

Lets see how many other posters will reply that they received the same letter.
I got your change right here

Obama's emblem, called branding, is a symbol or logo used to represent or associate with an organization. It's actually very good as the the plains or farmland is represented by the stripes. The rising sun can symbolize the begining of a new day (Hope). The colors are patriotic. I give the designer an "A" for that branding. Mind you, it's the substance and not the branding that gets my vote.

or "Change this you pri*k!"
Maybe you could send this to him.

And as for the "don't post anything you wouldn't want your mom to see", I sent this to my brother to make my mom's desktop picture(She's a big Obamaphile).
It's her grandson and I just made it last night, so I haven't heard her reaction yet, but I bet she will find a little humor in it.
We end up debating B.O. every time we see eachother.
It's her grandson and I just made it last night
why use the child...I can laugh only cause its not my kid...but why would you teach your kid that ? I could never have let my mother or father find out I used my middle fingers, and could never imagine doing it per their "coaching"....
I didn't teach him that. For some reason that is him being a bee. I don't know how he came up with it, but that's what he does when he's a bee.
I think that's why she could get a chuckle out of it. She's been "stung" by him before, so she knows I'm not trying to teach him obscene gestures. I just thought it worked well in the stupid Obama logo.
So as far as the bee thing goes, I could freak out and say "DONT DO THAT!!!", or I can just not worry about it, because he's not trying to be offensive.
As for the picture, I just told him "show me a bee" that's what he does. If that makes me a sicko, so be it;
Not that this is relavent, but when he's a crab he does a little scissors gesture with his first and middle finger; and when he's a bird he does a little pinching thing with his pointer fingers and thumbs.
So no, I'm not trying to teach my 3 yr old to give the finger - although I have been tempted to tell him to show certain drivers on the road a bee (haven't been able to make myself do it yet though)
I found an article on the Obama "Sun Rising" symbol -

"...designed by the Chicago-based Sol Sender present Obama as the modern day sun-god. "We were looking at the "O" of his name and had the idea of a rising sun and a new day," Sender said. "The sun rising over the horizon evoked a new sense of hope." "

Ummm, yeah.

I also came across this "seal" or "symbol" the other day -


Kinda strange IMO...actually "disturbing" is probably the word I'm looking for.


If you read the US News article, notice that Shepard Fairey is mentioned as an artist working for Obama. He is actually Obama's "official" poster maker. Mr. Fairey, until now, was best known for his communist propaganda posters / artwork.
I'd say the posting has just a taunt of manure attached.
Lets see how many other posters will reply that they received the same letter.

Yeah...you're right...I just made the whole thing up!!!! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Fake Presidential Seal

The logo Obama's campaign uses now is a small part of the fake presidential seal they came up with and were only able to use once. It was on the front of his podium at the governor's conference. People noticed it and confronted him about it and it was quietly removed...the camp is masterful at change (not to mention copyright infringement- aka theft).
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