A telling photo in the NY Times


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Interesting comments from a thread at -- http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a386f996d6707.htm#1

"The front page of today's New York Times shows a picture of Valdimir Putin shaking hands with a Russian soldier in Chechnya.

The interesting thing about this photo is that the magazine and bolt are in the Russian soldier's AK rifle.

I understand that any time Clinton appears with United States troops the mags and bolts are removed.


And this pithy addendum -- "My conclusion is that Russian soldiers and Putin are on the same side. Our soldiers and clinton are not."

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
As an extra - on "the talking heads' show today" ... Washington Journal had some editor lady of Reason Magazine. Front cover of mag was shown & second article down. left side was "Why more guns = less crime" - Kopel, of course. 1st shot of mag was full-screen & after that, all shots were far away (small enough) that one (my eyes anyway) couldn't read any other text but the main title.

& re Putin's troopers & "live shooters" ... wouldn't suprise me that the bolts were welded shut & pix were photo-op. Surprised that Klinton hasn't tweaked on that one. But, Putin was handing out "hunting knives" (maybe sans blades?) to the "heroic troopers." Looked more to be combat knives to me albeit I couldn't get a good look-see w/the Mark I Eyeball.
Can't blame the worthies for wanting to be safer considering what happened to Sadat. OTOH, it is awfully hard to guard against the way Rajiv Ghandi was killed (bomb strapped to a "bystander".)

I am not sure what's up in Russia, but the best I can tell they are doing what Germany was doing in 1938. The level of nationalism I see even in people I know is scary and it gets expressed as support for "killing the wogs, all of them". It would be as if most Americans were in favor of obliterating all Japs in the country...errr, wait, didn't we almost have that happen a few decades back? Enlightened century my a-ss!
Truly, A leader that does not command the respect of his troops does not deserve to be a leader. What a God awfull, son-of-a-Bitch he is.

Seems Clinton's Hollywood connections and his desire to please that Hollywood elite with presidential directives and decisions designed to cater to Hollywoods' world view of homosexual rightousness have lead him astray and has/will cause him to have many enemies. WHY? Because that Hollywood's elite vision of society, that Clinton caters to, is sick, depraved, disgusting and destructive to this country. I hope we do not go the way of Rome!!

I guess it's a good thing that Clinton doesn't allow armed people around him.................. somebody, eventually, will do what is right and frag the bastard. Clinton and the secret service know it too, or they would have no fear of our troops being armed in his presence. Why does Clinton fear his own troops? Maybe he ought to become a REAL MAN............ Then maybe he will see. I doubt it thought. He's too much of a Hollwood suck-up scumbag. I think he likes it too! I think I'm gonna puke!!!
God help this country!
I wonder off and on just how dedicated the Secret Service will be towards protecting him after he is out of office.
Yep, We had our bolts removed for Klinton when he came to Ft. Bragg to get a photo op just after the F16 crash that burned a lot of paratroopers. About the only nice thing I can say is that the Stewardess on AF-1 are really hot!