A Suggestion For Helping Our Cause


New member
I don't know if this is right forum for this suggestion, but for a few years I have been thinking that it would be a benefit to all of us firearms owners if we began policing our terminology to exclude our use of the word "weapon."
I ....KNOW.....it is correct, but we live in incorrect times for gun owners.
It's my opinion that a switch from "weapon" to pistol, rifle, revolver, shotgun, or just plain "gun" would be an advantage in this silly "politically correct" environment.
My opinion is that the anti-gun factions can be just as effectively neutralized by intelligent tactics on our part as we are being victimized by theirs.
It would take one more "bullet" away from the anti-gunners.
Any opinions?
I use "life-preserver" when talking with bigots (which, fortunately, doesn't happen much). I mean, that's what it's for, right?

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
How about Personal Protection Device?

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
That plays into their schtick that weapons are bad because killing is bad. It's a fallacy, and we need to address that rather than trying to avoid causing alarm.
Mort, that's why I made the suggestion.
Take away their Schtick. If you don't call it a weapon, what can they argue about?
Flank em, flank em.
I don't think that's what Mort meant. Knife guys do this nearly to man, and all it's gotten us is a lot of laws that say that if you can show it's not suitable for a weapon (such as Illinois' "dangerous blade" ban) then you can have it. IMHO, very few people believe knife guys who say their knives aren't weapons.
With guns, it would only be worse. There are two problems.
1. Saying a gun is not a weapon does not "take away their argument." You're assuming they'll believe you. What they'll actually do is bleat loudly about how ridiculous it is to say a gun isn't a weapon, and they'll be right. Guns ARE weapons.
2. If we do this, we'll end up just like knife guys; unable to carry, because if it's not a weapon for self-defense we don't "need" to anyway (what will we be able to say to that?) and unable to use guns that look the least bit threatening (quick, name a gun that an anti doesn't find threatening in appearance?)

An excellent suggestion, don't get me wrong, but it didn't work.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
many years ago, my shooting club decided to do just that... to stop refering to our firearms as "Arms, "Firearms, "Weapons" and to refer to then as "sporting rifles, sporting (insert other name here)...... that was 15 years ago.... has it worked??? avoidance of an issue, word or title plays into the hands of the antagonist, as it seems to show that you are on the defensive. IMHO
I've used the term Urban Survival Tool. Besides, none of my shooters are weapons till they have to be employed against a perp.

Good idea, but, I don't think it'll turn us any tricks.

Besides, %^@% 'em if they can't take a joke & I'm not kidding.

'Course, I got an assault mouth.

we gladly feast on those who would subdue us
Otherwise, Welcome aboard Lavan! As you know, we are the choir so we speak freely here. In polite company I like to use words like HAND CANNON, that will at least get a conversation started.
Not using the word "weapon", except when it is actually used as one, is like using the word "firearm" instead of the word "gun".

Using the word "gun" plays into the extension of the term as prefix such as "gunman" "gunslinger" "gun fight", etc. I avoid the term "gun" except when using it to deride "gun control" which I usually put in quotes. The term "firearm" gets around the extensions and also avoids the singular focus on a particular firearm such as "semi-automatic".

Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.
Okay, I relinquish the floor to more experienced colleagues. I am now putting my kill-blazer back in my holster and going back to my chair.