Very nicely done review! The writing is clear and the pictures are great as usual!
I am concerned with the conclusions, however. In end of the review, it says,
"What makes me keep a gun with such an imperfect history of reliability is that it functions even with a cracked frame, though less reliably than normally...and that no viable alternatives exist. Other mouse guns are either much larger and heavier, or have painful recoil or chamber a much weaker round."
Somehow I get the impression that reliability has taken a back seat to convenience. That is a shame as there should be a reliable alternative made for that size of gun. Then again, if you want power, light weight, tiny size, then something is going to have to give and unfortunately it is the reliability of the gun. The problem based on Kel-Tec user group's site is that there is no real pattern to the failure of the P32s, so it can't be predicted that after X number of rounds, the gun should be replaced. Some fail very early, some don't seem to fail for quite some time. I have seen the claims of 5000 rounds, but most late failures tend to be in the 1000-2000 range, early failures before 300.