A SIMPLE, SANE approach to preparedness


I frequently read and hear people speculating that firearm owners live in fear that something will happen.

Even on this forum, it's common to see people comment that if someone carries a gun in an area (church, home, bathroom, etc.) that they must be expecting something bad to happen and that sort of expectation is unreasonable or irrational.

From the other side of the house we hear about trainers advocating a constant awareness of one's surroundings. Realistically that kind of constant alert is impossible or at least extremely difficult to attain.

We don't want to live our lives in a state of unpreparedness but neither do we want to go through life constantly expecting something to happen. So where's the midde ground? What's preparedness in moderation?

Very simple. Don't concentrate on what might happen--don't live life expecting that at any moment something bad could happen to you.

Instead, avoid falling into the trap of believing that nothing bad can happen.

Don't expect bad things to happen--just don't allow yourself to become complacent by expecting nothing to happen.

That means you don't have to live on edge and it will also eliminate the delay that many people encounter during a crisis while they work through the typical crisis response: "Is this really happening? This never happens. How could this happen? This can't be happening to me. I never thought this could happen." And finally: "Yes, this really IS happening to me. I need to do something."
Why would you buy homeowners insurance unless you expected your house to burn down? (Yeah, yeah, I know, it's required by the mortgage holder, but the metaphor holds). Same for car insurance.

Better yet, in this day and age, why would you have health insurance unless you expected to go into the hospital?

Folks who make those type arguments aren't thinking.

From the other side of the house we hear about trainers advocating a constant awareness of one's surroundings. Realistically that kind of constant alert is impossible or at least extremely difficult to attain.
Situational awareness is fairly easy after you practice it for awhile. When you are situationally aware, you're not on constant alert, just aware of your surroundings. What's going on, what's happening around you. If you're aware, you're likely to not be caught off-guard when something goes awry. You'll still be surprised, but not caught off-guard. That's an important distinction.

I feel like we're talking the same points, just from a different vocabulary.
Mentally preparing yourself for the possibility that something bad can happen will be a massive advantage if and when something bad does happen. Just the fact that you're thinkin about it before it happens probably puts you above like 95% of the public out there. Most people are sheep, wandering aimlessly around the world, only 2 meals worth of food at home, no means to protect themselves, no plan for anything. Their answer to a problem would be calling the police, calling AAA, going to the store to buy food, etc.

I don't really dwell on what can happen. I live life in a way that puts myself in a good position to succeed, regardless of the topic.
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[Why would you buy homeowners insurance unless you expected your house to burn down? (Yeah, yeah, I know, it's required by the mortgage holder, but the metaphor holds). Same for car insurance.

Better yet, in this day and age, why would you have health insurance unless you expected to go into the hospital?

Folks who make those type arguments aren't thinking.]

Many, including me, have needed and used car insurance. If you live long enough it is almost a sure thing that you will need health insurance. However, I have lived a long time, and known many others who have lived into their 90s and never needed a gun for self defense.

As far as I am concerned the analogy between insurance and need for a gun for self defense does not hold much water.

Having said that there is nothing wrong with being aware of your surroundings, and carring a gun where legal, including church.
It becomes paranoia when we go to the need for a handgun when showering for example. I see no need to carry in my house, although some might need to do so. If I thought my neighborhood was that bad I would move. I am not going to live in some degree of fear to be concerned about 1 in millions odds.

I have needed medical, car, and home insurance, but not a gun for SD.
I don't expect to need one, but carry when out normally.


This is quite similar to a phase that rookie cops go through when they hit the street... expecting everybody they come across to try and kill them. The fact is that at any given moment, there are perhaps hundreds of people in circulation who will do just that; but staying keyed-up continuously will tire you out to the point you're way below optimum.

The first component is to maintain a constant, easily maintained level of of alertness. Always remember that any day can be The Day.

The second is developing conditioned responses, to overcome the OMG!! reflex and suppress the hesitation that gets you killed.

The third component is to ingrain counter-attack skills to the point that they flow from the subconscious, allowing your conscious mind to remain free threat recognition and problem solving.

Cover those bases, and you're about as safe as you can be. Until somebody shoots you in the back, you catch a ricochet, etc. etc.
There are levels of awareness that have been characterized by colors from white to red. To paraphrase these conditions in a non-technical way...

White = you're in bed with your wife watching Americas Funniest Videos

Yellow = you're walking in the mall

Orange = you're walking on the street and see a group of rough looking, rowdy teens or young adults coming your way.

Red = you're aware of some eminent threat

You can walk around for extended periods of time in condition yellow, and anytime you're out and about among the general public you should be at that higher stage of yellow alert. This is no stress or adrenalin pump associated with this level of awareness so you can maintain this condition indefinitely.

The higher conditions of awareness will eventually drain you physically and mentally. I don't think MA instructors are saying that every time you step out in public you should be in condition orange or red but rather condition yellow with eyes open and antenna up.
Maybe there are people who can actually maintain condition yellow anytime they're outside of the house. I think that's open for debate, but I think it's clear that not many can always be aware of what's going on around them even if we limit it to only when we're outside of our homes.

But there is no doubt that when folks are at home they want to relax. I've seen that sentiment voiced repeatedly on TFL and elsewhere.

I'm not suggesting that people should just give up on being aware and alert, just pointing out that even in situations/areas normally considered to be fair game for relaxing it's important not to fall into the trap of believing that there's nothing bad that could happen.

The point is that many feel that trying to be constantly prepared for something to happen is unrealistic, irrational, or undesirable. I think that at some level all of us can understand why that's true. On the other hand, we don't want to swing too far in the direction of complacency.

So where's the balance point? I suggest that it's summed up in the following.

Don't go through life always expecting something bad to happen but at the same time don't go through life expecting that nothing bad can happen.

Most victims fall into the latter category--that's why you always see them on the news saying something along the lines of: "I never thought this could happen to me." or "I couldn't believe it was happening." etc. The point is that when something goes wrong you want to be in the mindset to react appropriately rather than in the mindset of the person who will freeze up during the situation and then make one of the above statements in the after-action interview. Achieving the proper mindset is not a matter of always expecting trouble so much as it is a matter of not expecting constant safety and tranquillity.
Condition White....

Most people I see trying to turn a corner while on their cell phone are condition white.
I prepared with food and water first. A firearm is uesless if you can't use it. Heat and light are essential. A propane conversion kit for the furnace. A generator or minimum a power inverter to run off the car battery. Maybe a kerosene porpedo heater. Sure, bad for health but vent it.

OK, so you have a firearm. Do you survive because of that? It is some insurance that you will. Amazing but search on the LDS Church. The Mormon Church. You will find plans to survive. Minimum a 30 day supply of food. 7 day supply would be minimal and recommended by FEMA. FEMA also allows you to take online courses and be certified. If you care to. I don't really know if I want the government to know I am prepared.

Medical supplies? Bleach? 3 gallons of bleach. Unless you can filter water or have the ability to distill it.
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JohnkSa said:
So where's the balance point? I suggest that it's summed up in the following.

Don't go through life always expecting something bad to happen but at the same time don't go through life expecting that nothing bad can happen.

Very much something I can agree with, and in fact; live by.

As this relates to TFL, we all need to recognize that everyone has their own opinions regarding levels of readiness, and that no one is wrong or right just out of hand. I may think keeping an AR-15 in a plastic bag in the shower is ridiculous, but to some it's simply a valid solution for their home defense needs.

I happen to take the "High Sheriff Andy Griffith approach", I choose not to carry a gun, but I've got one if I need one. (No, I'm not in law enforcement) I understand why many do carry, and I have no issue with their actions.

We all have to choose the level of readiness we find appropriate and least obtrusive in our own lives.
Awareness is easier for some people than others. Some people never dream anyone would do something bad to them. That only happens on TV right?:rolleyes: Extreme paranoia is a little crazy but you shouldn't walk around thinking everybody is as good hearted as you either. It's not reality.
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I did like the comment from Sarge....

Might not apply and yet it might....

My 2 cents is that there are 1000's of people out there that do not care who you are or you thoughts about self-protection.

I know many people that could care less about me.
A general awareness of your surroundings is always wise, and not just for human predators. What about traffic, pedestrian as well as vehicle? kids playing in the neighborhood? utility workers, delivery folk?

lots of everyday safety issues
Live every day like an American: be ready to die on your feet, but refuse to live

on your knees.

Strap 'em on, stay alert,and God bless.
If you own a fire extinguisher, smoke alarms and wear a seatbelt.. you are seen as a responsible adult. If you carry a firearm, you are seen as paranoid. Its just a culture thing and I dont think I will ever understand that way of thinking. I see carrying a firearm as just another method to midigate a threat that you know is real but hope never occurs.
I think some people probably take their definition of "condition yellow" too far. They seem to think it is some sort of hyperawareness. It isn't. It is simply not being oblivious to obvious things around you.

Now, there are ways to train yourself to become more aware of certain things. Sometimes, it is even entertaining. Try practicing scanning techniques or quiz yourself on what you are seeing. If you make a habit of being more aware, your "normal" level of situational awareness increases. (To a point, I'm not talking about hyperawareness, but more of a "reliable witness" point.)